“There wasn’t much but I wanted a penalty against Nashville” UPD Tim Peel early retirement PART 2


Registered User
Mar 25, 2011
The Uncanny Valley
Players will adapt as they always have. The officials weren’t given the time to allow that to happen like they were with league mandated changes in holding and slashing

The argument that games that are more even in penalties are more fair doesn’t make sense. You’re rewarding players and teams for taking penalties, knowing they are going to get some back.

Some from column A; some from B.

2006 proved that it didn't work. Players did adapt but it was horrible. Diving went up significantly and officials were forced to call it. Regardless, they went back to "playoff officiating" at the end of the season. Wasn't this what spawned the (last) dead puck era by calling every crease violation?

That said moving marbles in your pocket is the other extreme that makes no sense. Why should the Broad Street Bullies have the same amount of penalties as their opponents?
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Fil Larkmanthanasiou

Registered User
Feb 10, 2018
Half step MAX... this is what should be most terrifying to the league but the speed with which they acted makes it seem like they are more interested in having the iceberg sink back below the surface than figuring out the size and scale of the potential problem or taking steps to de-risk it.
Kind of like the church with priests who molest children


Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
Him getting fired is ridiculous when everyone knows there isn't penalty calls, it has always been game management, keeping things even. Since forever

And then Matt Duchene commenting on it, saying "it can't happen". Give me a break, this has been a thing in the NHL forever and Matt Duchene and every player in the league knows this. While I agree game management is stupid, don't act like just cause it was on hot mic, that this happened all of a sudden out of nowhere.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2016
They never said hes fired, they said he wont ref anymore games. You can get demoted and still do desk duty as punishment and it does not count as being fired. The NHL covered their bases here.

Ummm, what kind of "desk duty" job does the NHL have for refs?


Registered User
Feb 15, 2009
Let's assume for one second that the NHL did not tell it's officials to "manage games".

If people sitting at home can see it, and people in the rinks can see it, and the players can see it, and the coaches can see it, and the GMs can see it, and ex. refs even acknowledge it .... then sure as hell the NHL knows it's happening. And if its happening and the NHL has not stepped in to stop it, then that means the NHL is OK with it.
At best they’re ok with it. At worst, and in reality, they are responsible for it.

no cup no fiesta

Registered User
Aug 5, 2020
I'm a pens fan so I listen to Bob Errey a lot more than I would like to but more so recently he has added the game management to his commentary. Pens have a couple power plays, "got to keep your head in this if your the pens, refs are going to be looking for an easy one". Pens just get done killing some penalties, and refs give an make up call, "well you knew that was going to happen, can't give the ref an excuse to call an easy one". Not sure if other color guys do that Bob has been saying stuff like that for a while now. I'm honestly surprised the NHL hasn't cracked down on him saying things about it.


Registered User
Jun 12, 2019
Victoria, BC
I'm a pens fan so I listen to Bob Errey a lot more than I would like to but more so recently he has added the game management to his commentary. Pens have a couple power plays, "got to keep your head in this if your the pens, refs are going to be looking for an easy one". Pens just get done killing some penalties, and refs give an make up call, "well you knew that was going to happen, can't give the ref an excuse to call an easy one". Not sure if other color guys do that Bob has been saying stuff like that for a while now. I'm honestly surprised the NHL hasn't cracked down on him saying things about it.
John Garrett isn't afraid to do that.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2011
The Uncanny Valley
Everyone does. I mentioned it in a previous post.

The context I was going for is Bettman is going to tell them to cut it at, at least for the time being while people remember. After all, Rick Tochet still coaches after he got caught gambling.
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Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
And there are certain teams like the Bruins that intentionally exploit that, playing dirty and knowing that the other teams they're playing against will always get the same number of penalties regardless of how cleanly they play because the refs are terrified of giving one team more penalties than the other. It has a real distorting effect on the league and rewards teams and players that play dirty.
Have you watched an NHL game? I mean more recently than 2011.

What a ridiculous take.


Registered User
Jan 27, 2015
Would have loved if this whole scandal led to more people being held accountable and a league (not fan or media) discussion about the problem.

It seems like they're going to sit Peel until he retires, and pretend that solves it.

This wasn't really a case of game management, but it's clear that that's happening too. I don't understand why the NHL turns a blind eye to it.

Is the idea that keeping games close artificially increases interest and thereby watch time?

Seems awfully intangible for the NHL to risk it's reputation.


The Annihilator
Jan 14, 2003
Anybody gets fired for embarrassing their employer. pretty much a given.

And that's what happened here, no more no less.
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Registered User
Sep 12, 2013
It's the same thing imo. It's like your mayor only embezzling $1,000,000 instead of $2,000,000. Doing it even just a little bit is just plain wrong.

No, it isn't.

Managing a game implies they work to keep the game close (evening up PP chances, giving more opportunities to the team that's losing).

Fixing a game implies bias toward only one side, which could turn the entire new hockey/sports gambling world upside down with who knows how many lawsuits.

Very different things.


Jun 11, 2011
Someone try to tell me it's not rigged.


Please make excuses for this meme officiating.
this is a pretty good example of something that doesnt need to be called but if the blues keep pushing the line refs can call something.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2010
Hasn’t hockey refs always been like “hey we called two penalties or however many on team A we should probably call one on team B”?
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Dec 15, 2002
The NHL must take care of the game management issue. It's making people hate the game more than liking it. And if the NHL is cool with it or even supports it you can probably assume there's some sort of gambling they're doing to fix matches potentially.
Really. Well, this ought to be pretty easy to prove. I look forward to a forensic report on this.


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