Loved your article!
Crazy to think, but just today, I read an old article, an interview with Lester Patrick! wherein he speaks alot about Cyclone Taylor, including his prowess at skating backwards, about the truth behind some of his biggest mythologies, and how truly great he was.
Wish I had all the books from when I was young, when I first started reading about these NHL greats. The stories were fantastic.
Crazy to think, but just today, I read an old article, an interview with Lester Patrick! wherein he speaks alot about Cyclone Taylor, including his prowess at skating backwards, about the truth behind some of his biggest mythologies, and how truly great he was.
Lester Patrick’s 50 Years on Ice | Maclean's | March 1, 1950
Is hockey as good as it used to be? Did Cyclone Taylor really score goals while skating backward? After five decades in the game the old Grey Fox offers some verdicts—and also some heresies
Wish I had all the books from when I was young, when I first started reading about these NHL greats. The stories were fantastic.