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S A W F T*



#1 Contender Triple Threat Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose


2-out-of-3 Falls Match for the United States Championship: Kalisto (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio


AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho


Big Show, Ryback and Kane vs. The Wyatt Family


Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs. Naomi and Tamina


Divas Championship Match: Charlotte (c) vs. Brie Bella


Intercontinental Championship Match: Kevin Owens (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

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S A W F T*

To be honest, really only interested in main event, Edge and Christian segment and to a lesser extent IC title match.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
Lesnar vs Reigns vs Ambrose - Meh. The result will be interesting as it sets things up, but I've no interest in Lesnar at all and I'm not a big fan of Ambrose. I don't mind Reigns, but him alone isn't enough to want to watch it. I'm sure it'll be great an I'll enjoy it all the same, it's just not something to make me watch the show.

Kalisto vs Del Rio - They have good matches, so this should be good, but 2/3 on a pre-show might be lame. Usually those are longer match, dunno if they'll be given time.

Styles vs Jericho - The first two were great, I'm sure this will be too. Very much looking forward to this one.

Big Show, Ryback, and Kane vs The Wyatt Family - I love Bray and Harper, I don't care for anyone else. I really don't want to watch this. When Ryback is my third favourite guy out of seven, there's a problem. Big guys really do nothing for me.

Sasha and Becky vs Naomi and Tamina - It'll be fine and the good guys will win, but not expecting anything great. I want to watch 'cos Sasha and Becky are awesome more than anything else.

Charlotte vs Brie - Charlotte had a good match with the better Bella, maybe this'll be good. Prob won't be great. Only real point of interest is to see if anything happens with Flair.

Owens vs Ziggler - This match is always great, so I've no issues seeing it again. This is the second biggest match for me, even if we've seen it a lot already.

So only one dud going into the show, should be a good night.

The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
Only interested in the main event and New Day. Ziggler is so lame as of late I don't want to see him face Owens for the 666th time.

AJ vs Jericho III could be alright as well.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
Wyatt fam picture... Strowman front and center. Bray in the back.

Well Bray isn't in the match so it sort of makes sense, but I understand your overall point and it still might be true. Actually this is one of the problems. Bray doesn't actually wrestle enough anymore. Another reason I can't buy this Brock feud at Mania.

Anyway not a bad card for a B PPV. They definitely didn't deliver on their promise in the build to make Fastlane a bigger deal. Still B PPV from this vantage point.

Not to much to look forward to honestly. KO/Owens has been done to death. ADR/Kalisto has been done to death.

Not looking forward to the work in a Charlotte/Brie match. Other women's match don't care a ton as I don't care about the team bad leftovers. Really only care about the fall out (Sasha should turn on Becky sometime really soon).

AJ/Y2J. We saw it twice already. Should still be a good match so I hope they elevate to some things we haven't seen from them yet.

The Beef vs Beef match. What else needs to be said?

Main Event. I'm mildly interested. My interest would be higher if I actually had some real doubts that Roman was going to lose this match, but I don't so that kills a lot of the intrigue. Also afraid they do something dumb here in an attempt to "shock" us. Either a Dean turn or god forbid they actually pin Brock (even if it isn't clean).

The Gongshow

Fire JBB
Jul 17, 2014
A very small part of me has faith in this company putting Dean over.......... like I said, very small. Still picked Roman to win in the predictions thread tho ;)


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
A very small part of me has faith in this company putting Dean over.......... like I said, very small. Still picked Roman to win in the predictions thread tho ;)

As did I. And I WANT to be surprised in a good way tomorrow night...but I also wanted that at the Royal Rumble and I wasn't at all. Thankfully it was still a pretty entertaining show so hopefully they still deliver some entertainment.

Plus I'm expecting Enzo and Cass on the Peep Show segment which should be money money money.

Account Terminated

Registered User
Sep 12, 2009
Main event is solid.

ADR vs Kalisto always provides good wrestling.

Styles vs Jericho is great, I don't care if we've seen it twice already. AJ Styles is on a WWE PPV, shut up.

Sux man tag is probably the low point of the night, but I'll still watch for some fun spots.

"We want Sasha!" Now you got here. Please, WWE... don't screw this up.

Charlotte vs Brie will likely be average, but I'm hoping for a swerve here.

IC Title match will be great because Jesus Owens is in it.

Solid card. Can't wait.

EDIT: And the "sux man" part is a typo, but I'm leaving it. It's true. It's damn true.
Oct 18, 2011
I'm more interested if there is a melt down in the crowd.

all i know is this
i do not want to see wyatt cost lesnar the match. zero interest in seeing it, we all know wyatt will lose and really it's just a waste of brock, bray is a mid carder, and lesnar is a main eventer

what i would like to see is reigns/ambrose or lesnar/ambrose at WM

if wwe goes the predictable route and does reigns vs hhh and lesnar vs wyatt where is the big match for ambrose at?


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
all i know is this
i do not want to see wyatt cost lesnar the match. zero interest in seeing it, we all know wyatt will lose and really it's just a waste of brock, bray is a mid carder, and lesnar is a main eventer

what i would like to see is reigns/ambrose or lesnar/ambrose at WM

if wwe goes the predictable route and does reigns vs hhh and lesnar vs wyatt where is the big match for ambrose at?

Owens for the IC belt. Basically that is it.
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