In Memoriam WORLD TRADE CENTER September 10th 2001

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Queen in the North
Mar 30, 2010
A day that I'll never forget. I was in the 6th grade. My school is close enough to Boston and Logan to hear airplanes. I was so used to hearing them fly over. That day it was very quiet. I'll never forget kids getting dismissed (I had no idea what was going on). Our principal finally over the loud speaker tells us a plane hit one of the towers. We all assumed it was an accident. My friend Darien started to cry saying his grandparents live in New York. More kids kept getting dismissed. Whispers in the hallways. I saw the tv being pushed into the 7th and 8th grade classes. I tried to listen but had no idea what was going on.

When school was out, I asked my mom, very somber picking me up (why was everyone getting dismissed and not me). She tells me her and my dad thought it was best they didn't because they thought I didn't know. She says if she knew I knew a bit, I would of been dismissed. I remember the sky here being QUIET. Nothing. No planes. It was eerie. Then my dad puts on the tv before he had to go to work(hes a police sargeant at this time). Then I realize the magnitude of what just happened. I am confused. Scared.

I watched that French documentary on tv and I've never been more traumatized. Seeing people jump out the windows. Hearing those this day I am haunted by it. They changed the flight path. Planes no longer go over my house. I don't like planes, I refuse to go on them. It was a day I'll never forget and I hope we, as a country really remember what it was like that day and days after.

We came together. Everyone. Every color, race, creed. Every political party. Everyone was...ONE.

I'm not sure if that will ever happen as a county again...United as One. But I wish it would.

That day was the day my 11 year old self lost her innocence. My childhood as I knew it was over. No longer was I able to play in bliss. From then on, we knew what was going on in the world, for better or for worse. I still get emotional on this day. I continue to pray for all the victims and their families. All the firefighters, police, EMT's, civilians, etc who all gave up their lives to help. May God Rest their souls.

And may we never forget.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 26, 2005
Norman, OK
This was the Metro on September 7-10, 2001. They had a weekend edition and my mom rode the bus before the Monday paper was available

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HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
I have always felt for this ticket agent in Portland, Maine.

22 years later there is one thing nobody fully knows - Why did Atta decide to rent a car in Boston and drive to Maine to then fly back to Boston to connect with Flight 11?

Early morning flights at the Portland Jetport were always a crapshoot because of fog.

After 9/11 airlines stopped flying the route.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jun 11, 2011
I am in Canada and I remember that morning vividly. I was at work and my Mom called and said a plane had crashed in the World Trade Center, terrible news. Then she called me again and said another plane had hit....then my stomach went into knots.

My coworkers and I were huddled around the radio in my office the rest of the day. All music stopped, it is like the world stood still. The radio stations here didn't play music for at least two days, people walked around like they were shell shocked. It was hard to explain to our daughters who were 11 and 8 at the time. My own body felt like it was heavy yet empty. The sad thing is people live with this happening daily, in many countries.

My heart goes out to the families and friends who lost their loved ones, whether in the initial event or the events that followed and that led to so many lives lost through their bravery.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 26, 2005
Norman, OK
I have always felt for this ticket agent in Portland, Maine.

22 years later there is one thing nobody fully knows - Why did Atta decide to rent a car in Boston and drive to Maine to then fly back to Boston to connect with Flight 11?

Early morning flights at the Portland Jetport were always a crapshoot because of fog.

After 9/11 airlines stopped flying the route.

The most bizarre part of 9/11 at least in my opinion.

Like you, I always felt bad for the agent especially because he thought about not letting them go. I will say, because of him, one of the suitcases was held back at Logan and that, along with Amy Sweeney and Betty Ong, helped them identify who was responsible quickly.

I am listening to Mitchell Zukoff's book "Rise and Fall" and they said the crew supervisor for American had a chilling stare down with Atta just before Flight 11 departed.

I remember the day like it just happened. A lot of people say it changed them and I know I changed that day. It was the jolt I needed to get my shit together. After 9/11, I committed myself to school and to joining Student Government which helped me realize helping people came in many different ways.

22 years ago I was an 18 year old, 3 weeks shy of turning 19 who was hellbent on proving everyone, including my own family, that I was smart and could make it in the world. 9/11 was my reality check. It is only recently that I have been able to look at this anniversary in a new way. I am sad and angry but at the same time grateful.

I was in English class so I never saw any of it live. I thought someone had bombed Boston's World Trade Center. It wasn't until after I stepped out of the voting booth and saw the towers fall on replay that I realized what had actually happened. Dad and I watched 7 World Trade come down live on ABC and also the President. I went to the memorial later that week on City Hall Plaza.

I'll never forget and I send my love to all of our HF Family who were directly impacted or have friends or family who were. I also send my love to those who still struggle with this day.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 22, 2011
I was 36, working at my old job. We had a bunch of brand new flat screens in our hallways and as soon as the first plane hit, someone turned them off our PR feed and onto the news stations. We were all glued to the screens. Later on, one of my developers had a sister who could see the towers from her Manhattan apartment. She was on the phone with her when the first tower fell. After that, my whole team went to my place because there was no way work was getting done. I got called back around 1:00 PM because we needed a plan to shut down our Washington DC facility because all public buildings were being evacuated. It was the first time in almost 20 years that the building would be unmanned. They were taking things very seriously.
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HF Snob Agitator
Mar 22, 2009
I was 20, working in Franklin ma, 3rd shift. By the time I got back to RI and got settled I turned on the T.V and saw that a plane hit the north tower. As I sat there in disbelief on how something like this could happen, the south tower got hit and the realization quickly settled in that we were under attack.

It changed me forever, how I viewed the world, politics, and media.

The one silver lining that still sticks with me was how everyone was on 9/12. I had never seen anything like it. It was a humbled camaraderie where we all knew what happened to us, we didn't know what to do, but we knew we all just went through it together. People were thoughtful, understanding, and it gave a glimpse of what this world could be


Salt and light
Feb 2, 2022
Land of Nod in the East of Eden
I got up around 8 or 8:15 that day. I turned on the tv just as the first plane hit. I thought uh oh, omg. I knew it was no accident. I was living at home then, and yelled to my mother, "you had better watch this." I just sat there, saying nothing. I remember going to work that afternoon feeling numb.
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Worst Poster/Awful Takes
Feb 27, 2002
Was dropping off my kid at first grade had day off was beautiful day outside and got back into car flipped on Dennis & Callahan and so it began

My good friend Karen Martin from grade school at St Mary’s in Danvers & Danvers HS right up to that day (she went to Westfield State and would visit when we had a good party) was the stewardess on the first plane and was the first victim of Mohammad Atta.

She was engaged to Gary Conn great guy who played at U Maine and was John Tortarella line mate and BF

She was an amazing gal - bartended at Fridays in Danvers as well and used to go in after Bruins games and sit at bar when she worked to goof off with her

Also the Sweeneys had seats directly in back of me - Bob’s dad ‘Red’ was phenomenal and his mother was the best - the Sweeneys always had a big party and she invited me and my buddy Timmy to it every year - his brother Michael sat there and his wife was the stewardess on the phone who remained calm - she sat there often and was a doll, the Sweeney’s had I think 5 girls so was hard keeping track of that crew but I loved those times

Back to Karen, she was going to visit her brother Johnny who graduated with me - huge Pats fan and she would go out often - I don’t think Amy Sweeney was to be on there. I think they all flipped shifts

Another crazy thing - one of my BF who was texting me a half hour ago about FF league, his wife was working at the airport when the terrorists came in and her friend checked tickets - she had serious problems after

And John Ogonoswki (sp) sister worked where I did and was at work that day - she was a manager and super nice and everyone was watching TV and she saw happen and knew right away - we worked in Federel Building so you can imagine chaos - I wasn’t there that day but it was like a horror movie

Finally my mother would go out once a month with gals for lunch and Ace Bailey wife Kathy would go - just Freaks me out thinking bsck

My brother was a pilot and knew all those guys - he died himself in a plane crash a few years ago. Tough stuff


Registered User
Jun 28, 2023
Some say "Time heals all wounds", but I believe it just covers them up and allows you to put a smile on your face and try to go on living. September 11th hits just as hard today as it did then. But tomorrow I'll try to smile and maybe even laugh a little. Because that was what Ace would have wanted.



Resident Cookie Monster
Mar 29, 2014
The one silver lining that still sticks with me was how everyone was on 9/12. I had never seen anything like it. It was a humbled camaraderie where we all knew what happened to us, we didn't know what to do, but we knew we all just went through it together. People were thoughtful, understanding, and it gave a glimpse of what this world could be

I miss feeling united as a country.

I hate that it apparently takes massive tragedy for us to accomplish it now


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