Cheap sarcasm isn't a legitimate answer to any question / issue. It is the easy way out for those who have no answers. It only makes you look incredibly weak. Suit yourself though.
I thought my answers were quite sincere. Sounds to me like you're just avoiding the issues.
The thing is that these $10m are peanuts for 30 billionaires, but very serious coin for national federations. This is an objective fact.
It might help if you concentrated less on the dollar amounts and more on the principles involved. And if you are obsessed with the dollar amounts then you may want to consider what the IOC budget is - hint, $10m is peanuts in that context also.
And while a subjective opinion, I really don't think that it's anything but an excuse for these billionaires & Bettman to make a grab for international tournaments. And it doesn't matter to them if in the process they make hockey worse for EVERYONE else outside the NHL by trying to damage the most storied & important competition in the whole world.
A lot of hyberbole here.
"make a grab for international tournaments" - your point is fuzzy (if there even is a point)
"make hockey worse for everyone else outside the NHL" - again, WTF are you talking about?
"damage blah blah blah ..." - I assume you're talking about the OG but there's a huge flaw in your logic, can you guess what it is?
The fact that you don't care either is a) incomprehensible because I don't think you are in line for a payout from the World Cup (why do you worry so much about these billionaires' income?) and b) the best hockey can become outside the USA, the better the chances of seeing a bigger influx of players from non North American countries into the NHL.
Now you're completely off the rails? When have I said I don't care? What is it you don't think I care about? When have I said I'm "worried" about these billionaire's income (hint, I haven't).
You point b) has nothing to do with your (incorrect) assumption that I don't care, you're really all over the place, perhaps you meant that comment to be in a different thread?
Maybe seeing their national players compete in the Olympics will help the next Josi take up hockey instead of going to play for one of the plethora of soccer teams & tune out the soccer overload that we have in Europe. Same situation in many other countries, even more so those not represented at the World Cup.
You are thinking "I want the fattest chicken today", but maybe you ought to worry instead about how to have an increased "egg" production tomorrow.
You're completely missing the point - we all want NHL players at the Olympics so going on about why that's a good thing is a waste of time.
The NHL has been sending players to the Olympics for some time now. The IOC has been helping to cover costs which is sensible as it's a miniscule part of their budget and hockey is the marquee event. Now, for some unknown reason, they are threatening not to pay any more which is just flat out dumb. The NHL's reaction is to make sure the IOC understands that the end result of that will likely be that NHL players won't be going. If you don't think that's a completely understandable result then you're in a very small minority. Bottom line, instead of going on and on about your socialist ideals and about how the NHL owners shouldn't care about money etc. while inexplicably letting the IOC off scot free, you might want to consider directing your venom at those who really deserve it - the IOC in case you haven't figured it out yet.
Have you heard the expression "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"? It's quite suitable for this occasion and when you figure out who's the one doing the "breaking" (hint, not the NHL) then you'll be a lot closer to understanding the situation. The IOC still has time to come to their senses but they better wake up soon. They're the ones who are on the verge of ruining Olympic hockey for everyone and thus they're the ones who your anger should be directed at. Why do you blame the NHL for the fact that the IOC is jeopardizing what has been a win-win for everyone.
Can you understand this? Any of it?
The irony here is that considering how disjointed this post is, you should be directing that question at yourself.