News Article: With Playoff Dream Dead, It's Time to Play Morin and Talbot

Rich Nixon

No Prior Knowledge of "Flyers"
Jul 11, 2006
Key Biscayne
Both, though very different situations, deserve a shot now that the playoffs are completely and entirely out of reach:

Flyers’ Playoff Dreams Are Dead, So Morin and Talbot Deserve a Look

On Talbot:

I said:
General manager Chuck Fletcher made a couple of statements about the reasoning for the trade right after it occurred. “This is an opportunity to get a guy that’s been a No. 1 in the league, he’s been a No. 2 in the league…I think he’ll just give this organization a shot in the arm right now,” he said, and also, “I think this is an opportunity for us to evaluate Cam down the stretch and see if there’s a fit.”

Neither has borne out...

And on Morin:

I said:
Signed to a bargain of an NHL contract and possessing a physical skillset no other Flyer can claim, Morin remains an alluring prospect who could further strengthen what’s shaping up to be an impressive young defense. Both Robert Hagg and Radko Gudas, the current physical stay-at-home defenders on the roster, only have a year left on each of their contracts (though Hagg will remain a restricted free agent). A few games now for Morin could help the team get a sense of who they have to fill that role, in the interest of shaping their offseason personnel plans.

I don't really blame Gordon at all for pushing hard for the playoffs and trusting known quantities, though I do find the Stolarz/Elliott/Talbot situation confusing at best and aggravating at worst. Morin, too, probably needed a bunch of conditioning. But the time has come, let's see what these two have. As always, any discussion or input appreciated. Story is here.


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Apr 25, 2016
Huron of the Lakes


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