Here's my thing - with my own eyes/ears, I've seen people criticize Cristoforo for something then, minutes later, praise other D for doing the exact same thing. One example - Cristoforo pinches (for whatever reason)? "YOU'RE A DEFENCEMAN!!" Okay, cool. Shortly after, Woodall pinches? "Good shot, Woodall!" You can't have it both ways. If a player (Cristoforo, Abraham, Greentree, etc etc) screws up, whether it's a bad play, bad pinch, bad penalty, whatever, call it out. But, don't scream at something you know he doesn't have (Cristoforo doesn't have a physical game, Winegard isn't offensive, Smith isn't fast, and the list goes on), or scream at something he did then praise another D for the *exact same play.* That makes no sense.
As for tonight - Windsor looks like they're playing out the stretch. Still 4-0 midway through the 2nd, which has flown by.