Canada has something that only americans and canadians can master. They thrive under pressure. Canada know they are the favorite, and they will sacrifice every bodypart in order to win again for their country. The americans are the same, but they obviously don't have the same hockey spirit and tradition as Canada. On top of that they don't have the same kind of talent.
Being Swedish, I hope I am wrong, but the difference between Sweden and Canada is that Canada never (or rarley) choke under pressure. Swedish teams can play like 6 games flawlessly, just to choke in the last one. Doesn't work like that for Canada.
Being Swedish, I hope I am wrong, but the difference between Sweden and Canada is that Canada never (or rarley) choke under pressure. Swedish teams can play like 6 games flawlessly, just to choke in the last one. Doesn't work like that for Canada.