I was thinking more about it, I think I felt very dissatisfied with the way it ended and I was like..huh..really?....Big whup!. For example you remember towards the end of the Departed when a triumphant DiCaprio gets his brains blown away in the elevator after finally capturing Matt Damon and he was going to get him some justice? I'm sure I'm not the only one when they first saw that scene they were like "holy f'n shit I didn't see that coming"...I was genuinely shocked, upset and pissed...great directing.
Well in this ending in this movie Uncut Gems, the triumphant Sandler, who finally gets his big win with his bet on KG and the Celtics and all is going to be well, gets his brains blown out, tho I was a bit surprised, I wasn't upset at all and kind of felt oddly fine about it seeing his character was so very unlikable.
I never really rooted for him at all as I thought he was a total scum bucket and I thought Sandler himself...his acting really kind of sucked and so I just felt big f'n deal. It didn't bother me at all that he got blown away and that's typically not like me.
So just like the movie, it really had no redeeming value and won't watch it again unlike a movie like Departed which I've watched 5-6 times.