Al Swearengen
I'm an Arrested Development fan and I see where you're coming from. Both of his characters in these shows are cold and snarky. Bateman imbues a distinct flavor to his characters like he contains the humor of the situation within him but chooses to keep it in. Kind of like what Bill Murray turned into over the years. But different. And not as funny. Restrained is the word I'm looking for.
Your synopsis of Bateman is dead on and I couldn't have described him better...well done.
He's an acquired taste and for most of the reasons you mention, I haven't acquired it
Bateman was pretty damn funny in Bad Words, I laughed pretty much the entire movie. Warning it's dark sick humor, if you don't have a sense of humor where nothing is out of bounds don't watch it.
Interesting, I didn't like him much until Arrested Development, now I think he's really good in everything he does. He was heavily involved in the Outsider and that was a good show.