[QUOTE = "NorwayIce, příspěvek: 178435324, člen: 330767"] Soutk Korea prošla rychlou cestou nahoru v elitní divizi. Totéž s Velkou Británií.
Ukrajina, byli dobří před 15 lety a prostě zmizeli. Japonsko také. Zvláštní, že velká země, jako je Ukrajina, není lépe obklopena tolika zeměmi ledního hokeje. [/ QUOTE]
I think that hockey in Ukraine is played only in the central and eastern part of the country. And the east of Ukraine is hit by the war, the best team Donbass Donetsk is from the east. Historically, the sport is the number one is football, the popular sport has long been boxing, because the brothers Klitschko. Now tennis is on the course again, from winter sports it is biathlon thanks to the Semerenko sisters. The eastern part of the country has always been richer than the west, people from the west only play football. Hockey stadiums are 90% in the eastern and central part of the country. In the west, I think is the only hockey stadium in Uzgorod.