Kings Vision: We Are All Kings - Greene & Stoll

Okay, better theme this time around.

That thing with the Kings player and a fan seemed awkward in most of the skits last season.

Still, Greene didn't much look like he wanted to do it. Poker face, or just a bad hair day, don't know. Will be interesting to see future installments of this theme.
Nice video. I remember back when Dean was assembling this team, he made it a point to mention he was bringing in guys who had Cup experience to help change the culture. Greene and Stoll (and later Richards and Carter) may not have won the Cup prior, but he valued the fact they made it there. Mixed in with acquiring former champs in Williams and Scuderi (not sure about Penner :sarcasm:), that must have helped our inexperienced guys rise in the playoffs.
KingsVision is back! :thumbu: I have been wanting a video on Stoll and Greene together for awhile since it keeps coming up in articles that their arrival sparked a change in culture. Those two are part of the foundation of this team. That's part of why Greene was re-signed for 4 and why Stoll would be very, very difficult to replace.

Nice video, though I'd have liked if someone had given them a bunch of Skittles beforehand to give them more pep.


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