As someone who watched their grandmother starve to death from stomach cancer, and their grandfather die from multiple tumors his drunk of a doctor didn't bother looking for when he complained about pain for months, I don't find cancer in an of itself particularly funny topic, no. But I understand that people use humour as a coping mechanism, I have used that coping mechanism in the past and will in the future, and I won't sit here and say that when Grandma was hallucinating about ham and pineapple sandwiches floating around her hospital room, my family didn't find some humour in that to help us manage what an awful time it was for everyone as she spent her last days in a morphine haze. But I wouldn't think it's appropriate to make jokes about someone else having cancer. Do you understand the difference there?
Comedy is, at its most basic, a subjective thing. What one person finds funny, another may find offensive or inappropriate. And that's fine. It's OK man. Not everyone agrees with you. Comedians understand that is the line they walk every time they tell a joke that may be offensive.
Anyways, you've completely derailed this thread trying to justify a joke you didn't make that some people found inappropriate. If you have an opinion on whether our season is absolutely finished or not, that's great! Lets chat about it. But I won't spend my day going back and forth with you about what is and isn't funny. You've said your piece, I've heard you out, and we can leave it at that because this isn't the Comedy Forum Boards.