Useless thread MMIV: John Price pays for Tinder premium and is still a virgin

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you cry about me being bandwagon but that dude supported serena and coach k and "Goat Nole" and Tiger Woods just because they were good.

Also Miami didn't have a basketball team until 2000
Fake News.........the basketball team came back in 1988, I became a Duke fan sometime in the early 80's. :nod:

And oh the loved Serena & Tiger too.......only until they were no longer great and then you dumped them like a hot potato. :eyeroll:
I went to Pittsburgh once, it was rainy and snowing. If you drive in on 276 or whatever it's called the left side is just a river and mountains lol

They literally carved homes in the hills there. Weird
Are you talking about Mt. Washington? :dunno: Those houses are expensive because of the great view of the city. And yes, I-276 parallels the Mon River.


People need to stop thinking they're hilarious for talking in movie quotes and song lyrics.

Same goes for the buttheads that say shit like "Well, I'm stealing that phrase". No one cares.

Quoting movies is fun

You know what I mean. He's gone. And we couldn't do nothing about it.
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