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Upside Hockey’s prolific prospect profiler Trevor Curtis's alternative draft rankings
Upside’s East Vs West
"For an alternative perspective to Upside Hockey’s incomparable Chief of Scouting Eldon MacDonald, our prolific prospect profiler Trevor Curtis (aka Sandman) offers up his Top 100 December edition, leading us up to the 2025 World Junior Hockey U20 Championship.While MacDonald is based on the East Coast of Canada, Curtis is based out West, in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies.
While we’ll have much more in terms of prospect analysis, we’re keeping this version simple: just the rankings list. Curtis, like MacDonald, has a new number one ranked prospect…though they both differ!"
- too high?
- too low?
- got to go?
- ometter?
2025 NHL Draft Rankings: Sandman's December Top 100
Upside Hockey’s prolific prospect profiler Trevor Curtis's alternative draft rankings
This is an alternative perspective and not our official rankings - for that, see this thread discussing our Top 128 official rankings and link to our mammoth rankings spreadsheet:
Upside Hockey's 2025 NHL Draft Rankings: December Edition Top 128
NEW Our Top 128 rankings with a new number one rated prospect *prospects noted who project to fall in rounds 5 through 7 as well along with players on our watchlist >350 prospects highlighted in all[ *Oh, we've...