we will continue from here http://hfboards.mandatory.com/threads/tuukka-rask-part-iv.2221031/page-35#post-140749073
However anyone coming to troll and by that I mean make statements intended to incite with no factual basis as determined by a moderator will immediately be thread banned at a minimum.
As per the site rules you agreed to.
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However anyone coming to troll and by that I mean make statements intended to incite with no factual basis as determined by a moderator will immediately be thread banned at a minimum.
As per the site rules you agreed to.
2) Trolling: Do not make posts that could be interpreted as though they were made to cause an argument or provoke others.
7) Forum Management: Threads and posts that are redundant, in the wrong forum, or deemed unnecessary per the assessment of moderators are subject to being merged, moved, edited, deleted or closed. Thread titles must be as specific and informative as possible (no clickbait) and first posts must provide relevant commentary (“discuss” is not enough, for example). One account is allowed per user and you are responsible for what’s posted from your account. Please check the sticky threads at the top of each forum for any forum specific rules. If a moderator gives you a specific instruction in a warning, and you blatantly disregard it, you are subject to an account review.
10) Moderator Interactions: If you disagree with the actions of a moderator, please either contact a moderator via PM or send an e-mail to [email protected] (for the latter, include your user name in the e-mail). Do not post publicly about your moderation history or the actions of moderators. Interactions with moderators are subject to all the rules listed above, including flaming. When dealing with a moderator, be respectful and considerate.
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