The behind the net camera angle makes it obvious that it was a Rule 48 headshot.
Blindside hits are legal. It’s the headshot that’s the problem. If Tysplakov hits him shoulder to shoulder it’s a legal hit.Some views make it look like a headshot, others shoulder, but what we can all agree on is that it was a blindside hit, which should have resulted in a penalty
Predatory? It's a backcheck. Every coach wants his team to take out the puck-carrier.Bullcrap predatory headshot.
The flyers response to it was pathetic.
Right, just like the scheifele hit on Jake evans in the playoffs was clean as a whistle. Not to mention the puck was long gone. Completely unnecessary and predatory. Guys have an opportunity for that type of thing every game and always pass on it for a reason.Predatory? It's a backcheck. Every coach wants his team to take out the puck-carrier.
This is what i saw.Barely grazed his shoulder and head was most definitely the main point of contact. Should get 3 games. We'll see what the Wheel of Justice lands on. The moron refs reviewing it and deeming it legal was laughable.
I wish I kept track of plays that were reviewed and downgraded or not penalized at all, but then resulted in supplemental discipline. This is the 4th or 5th such instance
As a Flyers fan. Boosh is a moron here. The puck literally just leaves his stick. They doubled down on the puck being gone later in the broadcast too"there is a different play he could have made" "first of all the pucks gone"
It is amazing how much more time slow motion gives you to make those decisions, eh?
I mean, the slightest change in Poehling's speed could have caused principle point of contact to change in very short order. Not saying he shouldn't be penalized.....people get penalized for unintentional things all the time.
But sometimes shit happens and you don't mean it to and there is no time to correct.