Slow news day on DansLesCouillesLisses?
J’ai le sentiment que Kent Hughes joue sa réputation en ce moment puisque chaque jour qui passe sans que la situation ne soit plus clair affecte la façon dont le Canadien est perçu ailleurs dans le monde du hockey.
One of their writers is claiming that Hughes is putting his reputation on the line on account of not taking a clear stand on how Petry and DeSmith will be dealt with.
Yes it’s been 8 days since the players were acquired and no official announcement was made, nor pressers announced for them. However, doesn’t mean things have not been going on behind the scenes. Hughes has shown himself to be very sensitive to player concerns since he’s been named GM.
I doubt Hughes is risking anything by waiting other than angling for the right deal. The players involved have been in the league long enough to know the uncertainties that could result from a trade where they were a means to an end and not the intended targets. It’ll get done, I’m sure there are good reasons why it has not happened yet.