Registered User
Rather than have discussions regarding TheDizee's predictions take over other random threads, we can discuss them in here.
All future discussions of past Dizee prognostications on the Blues forum (posted by himself or others) will be moved here where they can be cataloged, lauded, contested, or ignored as one desires.
Feel free to put any current or future predictions you want "on the record" in here as well, Dizee, so we know what gets your stamp of approval as a real prediction and what doesn't. Predictions that you don't put in here that you want to claim as "wins" later won't pass the smell test.
Mod FYI: To ignore a poster, left click on their user name next to one of their posts, then select "add to ignore list" from the drop down menu that appears. You can also edit your ignore list by selecting "User CP" in the upper left corner of your screen, then selecting "Edit Ignore List" under "Settings and Options" on the left hand side of the screen.
To ignore a thread, click the little boxed "x" next to the left of the thread starter's name (and to the right of the thread title) when looking at the list of threads on the main forum page.
All future discussions of past Dizee prognostications on the Blues forum (posted by himself or others) will be moved here where they can be cataloged, lauded, contested, or ignored as one desires.
Feel free to put any current or future predictions you want "on the record" in here as well, Dizee, so we know what gets your stamp of approval as a real prediction and what doesn't. Predictions that you don't put in here that you want to claim as "wins" later won't pass the smell test.
Mod FYI: To ignore a poster, left click on their user name next to one of their posts, then select "add to ignore list" from the drop down menu that appears. You can also edit your ignore list by selecting "User CP" in the upper left corner of your screen, then selecting "Edit Ignore List" under "Settings and Options" on the left hand side of the screen.
To ignore a thread, click the little boxed "x" next to the left of the thread starter's name (and to the right of the thread title) when looking at the list of threads on the main forum page.