The only one I don't agree with there is Edwin. After he left Toronto he had two solid seasons for Cleveland and then another solid one with the Mariners. Bringing him back might have actually given them an extra bump since would have almost assuredly been dealt at the deadline in probably '17. I think I'm just a bit upset he didn't get the sendoff that Bautista did.Adding onto the above with the fact that all the moves they made between the end of '15 and getting KO'd by Cleveland in '16 (Happ over Price, signing Saunders, not giving long term deals to Bautsita/Edwin, Liriano trade) were bang on.
Then it was very clearly time for a rebuild since that team was old and you never build a core through free agency and that's what happened. The real shame was Rogers still wanted to contend which put them in limbo for an extra season.
Bautista was clearly cooked by time he was done here. Now retire officially so I can have you in the Show.