I never want to say anything bad about the 2012 cup run. It was amazing and I'll remember it forever, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed by the lack of buzz it generated for hockey in Southern California. I remember 92-93 being more impactful.
I always felt like because the 2012 run came out of nowhere, happened so fast, and the Kings were so dominant, that it didn't actually give people enough time to catch on. Being up 3-0 in each series there was very little drama relatively speaking.
This time around has been very different. The playoff run has been as long as possible, and it's been filled with dramatic moments. Its generated much more buzz. Even where I live out here in the desert people are talking about the Kings. I was at a bar for game 7 of the Chicago series, and people were cheering everytime the Kings scored, and were hugging each other when the Kings won the game. It's never been like this before. People used to get mad at me when I would go to a sports bar and try and get them to show the Kings. Now I don't even have to ask because it's already on.
I hope it sparks a hockey renaissance in Southern California like the early and mid 90's.