The Jarvis contract. Fine until a Canadian team does it.

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Registered User
Nov 15, 2022
The annual average value of the contract would traditionally be $7.9 million, but the Hurricanes will award Jarvis a deferred-money signing bonus on July 1, 2032 - the day after the contract expires - to lower the cap hit. The max-term pact includes a total of $29.24 million in bonuses.

Am I wrong ?

Can someone explain why it took lawyers this far into a CBA to do something like this ?
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Registered User
Nov 15, 2022
Did they move New Jersey into Canada? I distinctly remember the Devils filing a contact similar to many other contracts at the time and having only theirs rejected.
How much recapture penalties did they take on it ?

Because 99% of the players (and agents) want nothing to do with deferred money. It's worth less than money paid upfront. This is why front loaded contracts are a thing.
How do you know it isn't inflation adjusted ? Or something to that effect.
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Registered User
Sep 27, 2015
Mark Stone going on LTIR at the TDL and playing game 1 of the playoffs 3 years in a row
I'd imagine Toronto would absolutely do this if the opportunity arises. Its just not that common of a situation, you need someone to be plausibly injured enough to sell that excuse, or require a minor enough surgery mid-season for them to be placed on the LTIR just in time for TDL, but able to recover in time for playoffs, while having the rest of the roster be good enough in their absence to still make the cut. Teams like TO, Edmonton and Vancouver would likely take advantage of that same loophole if they could, I don't see why not now that the precedent has been set.
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Registered User
Sep 16, 2011
The annual average value of the contract would traditionally be $7.9 million, but the Hurricanes will award Jarvis a deferred-money signing bonus on July 1, 2032 - the day after the contract expires - to lower the cap hit.
Yeah, Jarvis is taking a loss on that. Good for him. Most players don't want to do that.
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Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
The annual average value of the contract would traditionally be $7.9 million, but the Hurricanes will award Jarvis a deferred-money signing bonus on July 1, 2032 - the day after the contract expires - to lower the cap hit.

?????? 8 year deal where he get bonues for the first 3 years and the last 2 years. Signing bonus fir the first year was 8.950 and signing bonus in year 8 is 6.75

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Cap Hit$7,420,087$7,420,087$7,420,087$7,420,087$7,420,087$7,420,087$7,420,087$7,420,087UFAage 30
Performance Bonuses--------
Signing Bonuses$8,950,000$4,950,000$4,000,000---$5,770,000$5,570,000
Total Salary$10,950,000$10,950,000$8,250,000$6,570,000$6,570,000$6,570,000$6,770,000$6,570,000
Minors Salary$10,950,000$10,950,000$8,250,000$6,570,000$6,570,000$6,570,000$6,770,000$6,570,000


Registered User
Sep 16, 2011
He probably makes it all back in lower taxes
As in moving to some lower tax state than Carolina in 8 years, when he's 30 and probably trying to get another contract? What if he ends up in a higher tax state? He's losing even more money.
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Registered User
May 19, 2019
Is someone saying that even though he gets an 8 mill signing bonus when the contract kicks he is not actually getting it till 2032? NHL would have voided the contract.


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