Rabid Ranger
2 is better than one
Craig Button waxing poetic!
I'd like some Swedes to weigh in.
I'd like some Swedes to weigh in.
There's more to it.So Sweden saw Canada's master plan of 'playing like a team' and 'developing skills' and chose to emulate them. Can anyone name a nation that's had success in team sports without developing skills or playing as a team? This is some fluffy stuff.
Button is just trolling one particular Swedish poster who constantly, habitually to an insane degree, posts on TSN the most annoying BS in the history of internet forums.
I agree. You're welcome Sweden for Canada teaching you team play, unselfishness, sacrifice, commitment, skill development and actually following your game plan, in addition to how to play in the difficult areas in ways unlike small sickly little girls.
I also commend the thread worthiness of Button's opus, which I'm sure was posted with only the intention of generating thoughtful discussion.
I didn't know where else to stick the article. A lot has been made of the Swedish junior resurgence and this seems to credit much of that to Canadian influence. I don't buy it. The idea that Canadian corner the market on intangibles is ridiculous. It certainly hasn't helped their own success at the junior level (outside of the Olympics) of late.
Button is just trolling one particular Swedish poster who constantly, habitually to an insane degree, posts on TSN the most annoying BS in the history of internet forums.
which coincidentally enough occurred right about the time Sweden adopted a very aggressive, almost N.American style of game by a coach who, as it just so happened, coached for a while in N. America....maybe he learned a thing or two along the way...
Internet forums being replete with "annoying BS", I stand in awe of that poster.
I didn't know where else to stick the article. A lot has been made of the Swedish junior resurgence and this seems to credit much of that to Canadian influence. I don't buy it. The idea that Canadian corner the market on intangibles is ridiculous. It certainly hasn't helped their own success at the junior level (outside of the Olympics) of late.
I agree. It would be ignorant to think that the World hasn't learned anything from Canada, as probably it goes the other way too.
Funny. Here in Sweden we talk about how everyone is trying to copy us.
Right now I also think Canada needs to take a good look at how the US is putting together its world junior teams. Their system of having their team play together year round is proving to be a far better system than Canada's CHL All-star team they put together with only a short camp before the tournament.
Why would Canada copy Sweden?
Button is just trolling one particular Swedish poster who constantly, habitually to an insane degree, posts on TSN the most annoying BS in the history of internet forums.
Every hockey playing country has learned a lot from Canada whether they will admit it or not, how couldn't they?
I won't comment on the article in regards to Sweden but I will say that no other country has looked to Canada and emulated their game more then U.S.A hockey, every step of the way in their development they have looked to Canada as the gold standard and basically copied lock step what they do for the most part.
They learned to play the game from Canada and owe it a great debt to this day. There is no North American Style or American style of hockey.........................it's Canadas style and that is what the Americans learned, were raised with and play.
It is only natural they would.
The rivalry between U.S and Canadian hockey pretty much assures there will be no love lost in comments concerning each other from their fans, but behind it all is the certain reality that the reason there are even hockey fans south of the border is because of Canada and the emergence of their position as a hockey power is due to Canada and it's influence via the N.H.L. Hell, half the U.S team that won in Lake Placid in 1980 would never even have took up the game if they had not grown up idolizing Bobby Orr for Gods sake.
I don't expect fans from other countries to like us, but I expect them to give us our due, however grudgingly.
USA Hockey has had a distinct style of play for the last decade or so.
USA Hockey has had a distinct style of play for the last decade or so.