This is maybe a bit off topic, but an interesting subject non the less that I have talked about in different situations before but never had confirmation on. And as I have understood it, many are not aware that it exists.
But there was an article in the business press in Sweden today that in detail covered the development of tracking players 24/7 from a health and performance perspective, with the headline "Injury free teams wins titles". One of these service providers states that it can reduce man-games lost with 60% over time.
The subject of the article is of course the providers of these services, and they talk with two sports team in Sweden and how they use these services. One uses an Irish provider and the other uses a Canadian provider (that according to the article
also is used by 17 NHL teams, which proves that these things also exist in the NHL).
What they monitor more or less 24/7 is (with bracelets, mobile apps etc):
*Sleep - to detect mental issues/weak ability to recover
*Movement, off the ice but also on the ice, distance covered etc
*Pulse and breathing
*Each morning, the players conduct a number of stretching exercises to find out if they are stiff in any area, and reports it in an mobile app
*Each morning, the players conduct a number of physical exercises (vertical jumps etc) to find out how tired they are
Etc etc etc etc
Everything is monitored centrally by the service provides, based on "big data", and the teams gets red flags and abnormitets reported to them instantly and tailor-make the training and usage in games accordingly. A few examples was mentioned, Färjestad, a team in the SHL, currently has a player that has slept little after becoming a dad recently, which was flagged up by the system and the team have cut back on his training. No idea to train hard if you don't sleep. Another interesting example was that the system flagged up a correlation between how stiff a player was in the back and how much the player moved during games. The player himself could not feel any pain in the back, but was for stretches really stiff in the back. During those stretches he moved a lot less. By having the player conduct warm-up and stretching exercises each morning they could correct the issue.
So I think its safe to assume that we either have a tremendous amount of data on these guys, or is very far behind the average NHL team. The above is also supported by the reports that KK noted on that Kravy's pulse didn't go up very high during a practice.