All three were, at some point or other, receiving same kind of irrational hate from people as you seem to be targeting Pokka now. Perhaps you were not among those who targeted them, but your behavior with Pokka still matches that of those fans hating Berg/Kukkonen to a T.
The revealing factor here is hating some player based on one's mental image on him, not based on how said player is actually doing. And so far Pokka has been just okay. He was okay over the camp, and he's been okay in these two games here. If you figure he won't be okay once the opposition gets tougher, and you actually see someone like McDavid making him look foolish, feel free to come and criticize him then. However, even in such a case, don't spout off a list of possible players who would have fared better than him, especially if there's no actual earlier proof of them playing against such competition and doing fine. Because then you're pitting your own projection of said players doing better against the actual performance of the player you dislike, and that's intellectually dishonest. That's another dead giveaway of this "hater fan" mindset I'm talking about. They have this nasty tendency to mix up their own perceptions with reality, and call the former the latter.