If Tom Renney even fathoms that his role and purpose shall be judged solely by how many Under 20 tournaments he wins, he should leave now. For that does not matter what so ever in the large spectrum of things.
Grow the game. Help kids play the game, because Hockey was never suppose to be meant to be played only by rich upper class people, which is the direction it's leaning towards.
Make Hockey accessible to everyone, whether they turn into Olympians or are the next generations beer leaguer's their all equally important. Our national game should be accessible to all children like Football is in Europe, that should be his first and main priority and thank goodness he's acting on it is so far.
In this day in age, there is too much cheap alternatives and Hockey is slowly dying in Canada in terms of parents choosing the sport for their children's first participation. Make them sway away from ''soccer'', tennis, baseball, what not. And finally glad to see programs across Canada are paying attention. We'll see how the situation improves as the years go by.