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I request this be allowed to be posted thru January 6, 2018 [feast of the Epiphany].
Thereafter, if it is not preferred to archive this thread, it can be deleted.
I have previously posted my lyrics in poetic form on Christmas and other holidays at this Rangers board, but obviously, Christmas is a global feast, and since Trade Rumors and Free Agent Talk is the universal forum where I go most, I decided to make a thread there as well.
The lyrics are to a song in which a dreamer imagines a conversation with Archangel Gabriel about the first Christmas.
It is available below for non-commercial entertainment use to the viewer.
Anyone who has any
question about this as a song and not just poetry form; or any other questions,
please feel free to pm/start a conversation with me.
Merry Christmas to all; anyone observing any other holiday, appropriate holiday greetings and wishes to you as well
As they said in my generation, peace and love....
Christmas Day, © 2010 by Bernhard Christian Helgason [a/k/a bernmeister].
All Rights Reserved.
Placed here by permission from the copyright holder to the HFB member, the same bernmeister. For non-commercial review purposes only.
I wonder, I wonder
Dreamed a thought that imagined and came from afar
(a)bout Jesus and Christmas and Bethlehem’s star
I say, I said
Who can tell me, what does it mean?
on redeeming mankind, God would be so keen
I heard, I heard
Arc(h)angel Gabriel’s voice came alive
take heed what he said, this is no jive
He said
Yes there was a star, one never had been so such raised
til on that first Christmas, God’s name be thus praised.
It was pretty much like any other star, really...
Oh but from
high in God’s heaven
high in God’s heaven
high in God’s heaven
high in God’s heaven
oh so high in God’s heaven, earth saw this bright ray
Jesus was now born this first Christmas Day
I say, I said
wow, what a picture this puts in my mind
How serve I the Lord, Who to us is so kind?
And in reply, he said, “Remember”
And now, as always
Millennia later, it’s still Christmas Day, all of creation it pauses from play
Arc(h)angels and choir they lead us and pray
sing behold,
sing behold
sing behold now the Christ child
born with us this day
Then yes, I awoke Good Gabe he was gone
And so, and so
In closing I have just one thing to say
Remember this story
Remember this story
every Christmas Day
If the mods wish, this thread can serve for all holiday comments, not just as to my lyrics.
I request this be allowed to be posted thru January 6, 2018 [feast of the Epiphany].
Thereafter, if it is not preferred to archive this thread, it can be deleted.
I have previously posted my lyrics in poetic form on Christmas and other holidays at this Rangers board, but obviously, Christmas is a global feast, and since Trade Rumors and Free Agent Talk is the universal forum where I go most, I decided to make a thread there as well.
The lyrics are to a song in which a dreamer imagines a conversation with Archangel Gabriel about the first Christmas.
It is available below for non-commercial entertainment use to the viewer.
Anyone who has any
question about this as a song and not just poetry form; or any other questions,
please feel free to pm/start a conversation with me.
Merry Christmas to all; anyone observing any other holiday, appropriate holiday greetings and wishes to you as well
As they said in my generation, peace and love....
Christmas Day, © 2010 by Bernhard Christian Helgason [a/k/a bernmeister].
All Rights Reserved.
Placed here by permission from the copyright holder to the HFB member, the same bernmeister. For non-commercial review purposes only.
I wonder, I wonder
Dreamed a thought that imagined and came from afar
(a)bout Jesus and Christmas and Bethlehem’s star
I say, I said
Who can tell me, what does it mean?
on redeeming mankind, God would be so keen
I heard, I heard
Arc(h)angel Gabriel’s voice came alive
take heed what he said, this is no jive
He said
Yes there was a star, one never had been so such raised
til on that first Christmas, God’s name be thus praised.
It was pretty much like any other star, really...
Oh but from
high in God’s heaven
high in God’s heaven
high in God’s heaven
high in God’s heaven
oh so high in God’s heaven, earth saw this bright ray
Jesus was now born this first Christmas Day
I say, I said
wow, what a picture this puts in my mind
How serve I the Lord, Who to us is so kind?
And in reply, he said, “Remember”
And now, as always
Millennia later, it’s still Christmas Day, all of creation it pauses from play
Arc(h)angels and choir they lead us and pray
sing behold,
sing behold
sing behold now the Christ child
born with us this day
Then yes, I awoke Good Gabe he was gone
And so, and so
In closing I have just one thing to say
Remember this story
Remember this story
every Christmas Day
If the mods wish, this thread can serve for all holiday comments, not just as to my lyrics.