Parker was great ! Its a shame his carrer ended the way it did with the head injuries ...
With the Rockets you guys are right he was a beast ,had a tough go of it his rookie season but then after that ...he was a man among boys ,laid some real beatings on guys. Also what is forgotten is he had a 30 goal season in the WHL ,as well as a 17 goal season with the Bears in the AHL. He had skills for a tough guy ..but he was never used right at the NHL level and was never given the ice time ,which is the way it goes.
Its funny i notice people always seem to bring up the Probert fight ,and then saying Parker never lived up to his hype. First off a loss to Probert is nothing,Probert was the king who didnt the guy beat? there is no shame in losing to Probert.
But Parker had a very good NHL carrer ,ive never understood why people seem to say he was a bust. Outside of the Probert fight ,did he ever get beat up? i dont mean out punched ,i mean ko'd , he didnt ..he had big ko's vs Grimson,Oliwa,Brown etc..he won far more than he lost ...
Will always be a fan of Scott Parker ,hope life after hockey treats him well ...