The Nemesis
Semper Tyrannus
the comments about barriera and the mocks he was highly touted and a mid round steal till he slipped to us. the minute we drafted we started hearing he's short for a starter(6'2 - false) short low 90s(hitting high 90s) (Has a 4 pitch repertoire) ect. i think he's getting flack for shutting himself early and forego a pre draft injury.
we will find out in a year or so how they track but i liked our plan of filling up some A+++ hit tools guys, flame thrower pen arms a few A + Fielders and a couple nice starters. plus a starter in Barriera who could have a tiederman like vaunt through the system
I think it's important to know if this correlates with nobody believing in him and having a chip on his shoulder #HDMH #BrandingBrandingBranding