The problem that troubles most Russians is that Rodchenkov's testimony was offered under the provisions of "witness protection" in the United States. He is in hiding, and his identity has been changed, ostensibly to protect him from Russian retaliation. But to obtain witness protection status, you have to offer something of value to those who protect you. In this case, he offered evidence to, in effect, indict himself, to prove that he coordinated and supervised criminal operations, since he was personally in charge of all drug testing operations at the Sochi Labs. He is protected not because he is a self-confessed criminal, but because he claims that he was only carrying out the instructions of higher level authorities. Unlike normal court trial procedures, the accused cannot confront their accuser (Rodchenkov), because he is in hiding and can't be identified. In effect, this makes him the judge and executioner, without offer of a fair opportunity to cross-examine him. Of course, his plea for his own security and freedom was taken up by Richard Pound, who has forever been a crusader against alleged Russian doping.