Jobbed by the refs.
Jobbed by the refs.
It was only fair aftee being gifted by refs in the sweden game.Jobbed by the refs.
Yeah, nothing comes close to that. That was one of the biggest collapses in sports historyCanada 2011 was the biggest collapse ever. Period.
Plus Russia won that game fair and square.
I mean, the ref saw the puck all the way --- hitting the camera --- signaling 2 minutes ... then, no call? What.
What was the reason they gave for calling it back?I mean, the ref saw the puck all the way --- hitting the camera --- signaling 2 minutes ... then, no call? What.
That non-call was BS but that last minute or so by the Russians was one of the greatest breakdowns I've ever seen...lmao. No excuses for that 3rd period they had.
What was the reason they gave for calling it back?