2.7m? Okay. Let's go with that, because that's the money from his ELC, right?
Each year of that ELC, assuming Miller spends all 3 years in the NHL and gets paid the full $832,500 base salary, he pays $138k in escrow, $40 in agent fees, $316k in tax, leaving him with a net income of $430k a year for 3 years.
That's assuming the agent fees are only 5% and escrow at 15%
Is that enough to live on, and put enough money aside to "make it work"?
The counter argument to me is that you have to strike while the iron is hot in terms of making real money, though.
Just one contract from the NHL, even from the AHL, would be more than you would make in many years of regular employment, or even a lifetime, of work with a "degree." Even many doctors and lawyers these days do not make 6 figures for many years, sometimes ever, after school. It's no guarantee that a student athlete, especially one who is already not academically inclined like Miller, would make a boat load of money with whatever degree he pursues.
You always have to be smart with your money in whatever you do, but if you can get an ELC now, and that's $2.7m guaranteed, as you said, that's $430 a year for 3 years, meaning $1.2m - and that's after tax by your numbers. Still, that's way more than ten years of income for most people with a "degree." For a lot of them, it's more than twenty years of income with a degree. For people without a degree it may be more than a lifetime of income.
Take that $1.2m and set some aside. If the hockey career takes off, great, you've won the lottery. If not, go back to school, pay for your education with $100k of that money, and enjoy your free extra million dollars and a lifetime of memories.
But if you dogmatically stay in school because "degrees are important" and you blow out your knee, well, you just lost a lot of money that you'll never recoup. Whereas the education can be acquired later if you get the money up front.
So I'd never presume to tell someone who chooses to forego a degree for a big contract that they are making the wrong move. The wrong move would be not saving for the future if their sports career doesn't pan out.