True Blue said:
When someone says that there are 4 LDs on the way and some are going to be quite good, there is an inherent presumption that people are knocking on the door.
What you are doing is taking prospects that have not proven anything and waiving a magic wand and saying "two of them will make for top-4". That then gives you the ability to state that the Rangers should not be looking for trade partners for LD but should do something else that you want. The thing is that none of them showed that they are close to being ready. Not yet at least. And even after they become ready, the chances of them instantly becoming top-4 is even lower.
The view is not looking at worst case scenarios, it is what is realistic in the next several years. One thing is that it is unrealistic to truly compete with the left side the way it looks today. Another is that it is unrealistic to expect kids that have either a) never stepped a toe onto NA ice or b) never played above juniors to be able to step into such a role. Sure it happens, but no one is going to bank on that or plan for that.
And I would easily take a Trouba like defender and pair him with well, Trouba rather than hope that some kid that is nowhere near the NHL can step into that spot over the next several years.
There is an "inherent presumption"? What is an inherent presumption? You mean to say, that's what you presumed? I think some others understood what I meant quite differently than you apparently did.
There's no magic wand waving necessary. I think you just have some sort of different grasp on what you think realistic is over the next several years. You are apparently of the opinion that there will be no need to clear more than 1 spot for a LD of our 5 or so prospects in the next couple seasons, so trading for a guy like Lindholm or Nurse is a good idea.
I disagree.
Lindgren has and probably keeps a spot (unless on of the prospects actually is better than him and replaces him). That leaves two spots open.
I'm presuming that at least two of Miller, Robertson, Jones, Reunanon, Rykov, or Hajek become worthy of taking those spots within 2 years, maybe 3 at the most.
That's realistic. The guys who are gonna pan out, usually pan out between 21 and 23 years old. Miller is 20. Reunanon is 22. Rykov is 23. Hajek is 22. Jones and Robertson (both approaching 20) may be a little further out, sure, but they are still, as I said, "on the way." You have to plan for them arriving within the length of any long term deal you give out to a veteran. You don't hand out long term deals to a guy like Nurse and then get caught flat footed when Matt Robertson is ready to make the team.
Why you think it requires "magic wand waiving" for highly regarded prospects to become pros within 2-4 years of their drafting is beyond me. History doesn't back you up. It indicates some will make it and some won't, but it would be quite a long shot for none of them to make it. We have numbers on our side.
What am I gonna do till then? I dunno. But probably not part with big time assets to get Nurse or Lindholm, just so they can block Jones or Robertson in two seasons and I have to dump one of them again. My inclination would be to find a stop gap that does not block the prospects.