It’s true. Some of the guys from my college team used to get together on the tennis courts on campus and play roller sometimes and kids who weren’t on the team would join us and think they were reallllly good because they were great at roller hockey. Some of them came to try out for the club team, who we used as a practice squad and they were in for rude awakenings on the ice. If you just want to play hockey and have fun, roller hockey has little barrier to entry and it’s a great sport. I enjoy it and I support everyone playing it and it’s still a great way to grow hockey interest. But it is basically a different sport from ice hockey altogether. Even beer league ice hockey without contact is a different animal, but when you add the physical element of competitive hockey it really is a completely different sport.
Not sure what my point is. It’s only relevant if you have aspirations of playing competitive ice hockey one day. Like I said, if you’re just playing for fun and love of the sport, roller hockey is awesome. If you’re young and want to eventually be a good ice hockey player but haven’t gotten on the ice yet, do it as soon as possible. The longer you wait the further behind the curve you’ll be. I know that if I have kids I’ll get them on the ice as early as possible, and I’m sure I’ll get them playing roller as well because it’s great fun, exercise and can reenforce a lot of skills, but if they’re not on the ice as well, it can reenforce bad habits instead.