Ron Duguay is really pushing the Eichel to NYR hype.
He should be pushing for a makeover because he looks like a complete tool.
Yes, Ron, BlackBerry’s were great phones. But it’s time to upgrade.
blah blah blah heard the same story about kessel and every other player who never won anything until they finally won. He’s not holding the team back because he’s the best player in the team. Maybe the GM should get better players for the reamaining 17 skaters in the lineup.
I’m not sure this is on Adams. He’s been the GM for less than a year. I feel Kim Pegula is playing a bigger role than she should with the Sabres..
The Pegulas got lucky with hiring Brandon Beane and Sean McDermott, who both helped change the Buffalo Bills culture into a good one (thus far). I don’t think the Pegulas get involved with much with the decision making there because they’re in good hands.
With the Sabres though? Complete opposite. Adams shouldn’t be the GM. There are much better candidates out there. I feel like he’s just a temporary pawn who makes the moves ownership wants, and it’s backfiring.
The sad thing is, when you look at the Sabres roster, they have most of the right key ingredients necessary to make a kick ass dish. They just lack the right chef who’s capable of combining those ingredients. Or even worse, too many chefs trying to make that dish. A classic case of too many chefs in 1 kitchen.
I wasn’t impressed with a Eichel tonight one bit. Haven’t been impressed with him all season. It makes me question if he’d be worth the sticker price. Having said that, I don’t care how much of a proud, stand up employee you are. If you’re working for an incompetent company for years and years, it’ll get to you eventually.