Whatever it is they're charging it's too much.
The Leafs lead the race to the bank every year. Don't need an MBA to realize everyone in ML$E will keep making millions. Meanwhile the fans keep taking it up the dookie chute.
Paying the
league's highest ticket prices.
The team doesn't even have to be a contender. If I owned a hockey franchise that came first in the revenue race regardless of whatever crap management threw on the ice I wouldn't stress about winning a cup either. I'd keep rewarding failure while raking in the big bucks.
Ever since Rogers and Bell had to get their dirty corporate sports media empire involved this team has taken on the persona of a robber baron.
I should just drive by ML$E headquarters and throw my money out the window. It would get the same results. At least I'd get the joy of watching the stuffed suits waddle outside to try bending over to pick it up.
That would actually be something worth paying for.