In Memoriam Referee Bill Friday who was despised by Bruins fans 50 years ago


HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA

Bill Friday was a good referee but elder Bruins fans still wince at his name more than 50 years later.

He was the ref for this game in 1969

A year later he awarded Chicago a goal when he mistook a Sports Illustrated camera as the puck and the Hawks won the game 1-0. It wound up costing the Bruins home ice in 1970 but they wound up sweeping Chicago anyways.

In 1999 he was the video judge in Buffalo for Game 6 of the SCF and he knew there was an issue with the winning goal but Bettman did not want to deal with it at 2 AM and awarded the Cup to Dallas.
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