Welp, like I've always said, if I'm watching the Rangers, it seems like a waste of three hours to not root for the Rangers. If it gets to a certain point, I'll just not watch, which I've done for much of the season. Kreider coming back and the new additions made me interested, and so here I am. I'm watching the Rangers play hockey (I guess

) and I'm cheering for them for three hours. That said, I haven't been upset about a single loss since the turn of the new year, aside from last night but that had mitigating circumstances. I understand the situation. Wins do nothing for us and losses potentially help. I'm on board with that. I understand those who want the higher pick. If you wanna win every game, I understand that too. I'm not gonna tell you how to support your team.
When I was a little kid (around the time we won the Cup) I had a golden retriever. I know it sounds extreme, but it illustrates the point, and I know my dog - he wouldn't mind being an example. Long story short, the dog got old and sick and wasn't happy anymore, so we put him down after 15 good years. Everyone knew it was a process that was for the greater good. But nobody was happy about it. Nobody in my own family said "lol ur dog died." Nobody said "hey now you've got a good chance at an elite new dog!" They just let it be.
The Rangers suck, and I'm not happy about it. Nobody should be. Throughout this process, we could have done without the mocking, and the profanity when the Rangers score, and the main boards threads about how great it is that we suck, and some of the posts right here about how great it is that we suck. And when you talk to me about "Rangers South," you're trying to hand me another dog, and I ain't about that right now.
@Go Away Staal and
@jas have handled this logically and with class, just to name a couple. Others haven't, especially last night when their favorite team came in, and that was disappointing.