I had to login to post this, as I don't even login or post much, I just lurk.
Awesome guy and memories, of not just him, but his whole group of cronies. (and I mean that in a positive way) I remember when I first saw Fuzzy at a Yankees game back in 1993, before it was "hip" and the "in thing" to do or be at. Upper Deck behind home plate, him along with his cronies, who had these marble notebooks scoring the game, taking notes, or who knows what else they were doing. Fuzzy was always there at these games. They all, and always had me, and us all cracking up all the time. With them that is. There are no more real characters like Fuzzy at these games anymore. It was a different time, and a great time to be alive. The best!!! I'd just like to say intermissions upstairs at Rangers game in the 400's or Blue Seats (the old 400's), before they ruined everything for the diehard fan in The Garden and upstairs, was pure comedy!!!
He will always be missed by me and many others that attend/attended Rangers games all these years and still am lucky to do and the real characters that used to frequent these games as you can't even get a Let's Go Rangers chant started anymore there in that building before it gets drowned out in less than 5 seconds by people who simply don't participate in it. That's what it's like at the games and has been in general since the renovation. But this is what they wanted. The World's Most Quietest Arena.
I could remember that even when the team sucked from 1997-2004, we all still used to have a really great time at these games, because of the people there and the section you were sitting in, doesn't matter where, that you knew were there night in and night out and were regulars in each section. People like Fuzzy, and anyone else that you knew would be there, even if the team wasn't doing too well those years. The whole Garden experience was still great and it was still a great time at the games for the whole experience.
Now the sections, even upstairs, are very transient, no thanks to StubHub and the renovation where they priced out most of the diehard fans with outrageous prices.
Just wanted to try to point out that a real character like Fuzzy will really be missed at these games!!! He actually stopped attending The Garden or the Rangers games some time in 2013 because of how bad the view his seats were and the renovation, where you actually can't see the scoreboard in the last 2 rows of the 400's. So while he still had the tickets and gave them to his Nephew, from what I hear/heard these last few years I hadn't seen "Donald "Fuzzy" Cohen in quite some time, at least I haven't, but always would get updates from my friend or people at The Garden that knew him or kept in contact with him. He hadn't been doing too well health wise for awhile now. Always hoped he would pop back up in MSG for a Rangers game or see him there once more.
I'll always miss intermissions upstairs before the renovation when and where Fuzzy and his "cronies" would be talking stuff, whatever it was they were talking about, it was pure comedy!!!
There's actually or was a FB page that was about him. It said he was a "Public Figure". Lol. Too funny as you can't make this stuff up!!! Someone obviously made it. Or who knows? Maybe it was actually Fuzzy afterall? The page has the world famous video of him from the 1994 team championship video "Oh Baby!" where he uttered the classic line of "i've been coming for over 40 years and this time i'm here at 1:30 instead of 3. I want that Cup! I want that Cup! I want that Cup!"
Just wanted to try to sum up the fan and the true character that was Donald "Fuzzy" Cohen.
He will be missed!!!
This NY Post article sums it up best and how Fuzzy truly was and all the stories surrounding him. A real character.