It's nice to see VN90 and Spooner play well. This is something we can build in next year.
It's nice to see Hank in top form and to see him happy, but when it comes to building for next year it would be nice if our defense showed some promise instead of looking like AHLers out there. That would at least give us something more other than just ruining out pick.
Like I said last night though it's a slippery slope. Losing as much as you can and getting too picks creates a losing culture that you can't always turn around so quickly. Buffalo, Arizona, even Carolina took awhile to get back to respectability. Edmonton was good last year, now they are a losing franchise again.
We won for over a decade. Maybe we shouldn't take that for granted because once you start losing you never know when you'll get it just like to see some players emerge from our D. It's a train wreck going into next season, a season where we should be looking to contend for a playoff like to see something to build on from them.