I would love to see the data (if any) behind anyone arguing for Makar over Hughes for Norris at this point.
If I was a betting man, I wager a good portion of the people who argue that way thought Stamkos was going to be a PPG player without Kucherov this season and lead the Preds to a top 3 spot in their division are also on the Makar>Hughes train.
Not a knock to the guy either as they're clearly the top 2 in the league, but Quinn looks like when you're in be a player mode in an EA video game and decide the AI is borderline useless so you'll do it yourself, setting up open nets that no idiot could miss.
It must really grind every Avs fans' gears that Hughes turned out to be better than Makar all along.
I bet they are so bent out of shape, they secretly watch our forum just to see what is being said about the comparison. You know who you are.
Anyway, no need to ever talk about Makar, the focus should be on Hughes, his edge work and ability to match his reads to his physical abilities. Guy could be a (newtonian) physicist.
Who am I kidding, guy could probably an einsteinian physicist. Speaking of Albert, if you haven't heard the first hand account of how that journalist tracked down his brain, look it up. Fascinating stuff.
And to the avs fans secretly reading this, don't feel so completely utterly miserable and ashamed, you still have a very good dman in that guy, what's his name again? Macky . . Mylar . . whatever his name is, you know who I am talking about