I think their biggest problems are the price points and the locations of these tournaments. They price the games so high that people won’t commit to the packages to watch crappy countries or simply can’t afford it. You’re immediately eliminating a fair amount of potential customers on that alone. An average junior game in my experience runs an adult anywheres from 15-20$ on average for a ticket? I think it should definitely be higher priced than that because the players are higher end then the average junior game (not all countries mind you) but for the most part you’re watching better hockey. There has to be some kind of middle ground between jr pricing and NHL priced tickets. They need to find that.
When you put these tournaments in big locations with lots of other things going on, the thought is, I’m sure that the people will come and watch the hockey and do other things but I think they over estimate the amount of people traveling to come to the games. Then you combine it with the fact that the locals have access to NHL games, NFL games, etc, etc and they just don’t have the interest in dropping the money for events that aren’t as good (in their eyes) as the ones they can watch all the time. The draw just isn’t there in places with access to these events all the time. It’s just another thing going on in the city. There’s a lot of smaller cities and locations that don’t have the access to these events that would no doubt in my mind sell out if they had the opportunity to host. Just look across Canada and there is all kinds of junior hockey markets like this, start putting the tournaments there and the people will come and make the environment spectacular.
There’s always going to be external factors out of the organizers control that effect the amount of people that come but two things you can control are prices and location. Price these things properly and put them in places where the WJC is the big ticket in town and they’d never worry about ticket sales.
Maybe it isn’t even an issue though? When the tournament is in Canada they’re constantly drawing over 10,000 fans (or so they report) sure the rink is half empty but they’re still going to make more money then they would if they put it into a smaller market arena, when the bottom line comes down to $$$ the bigger market and higher ticket prices is always going to win out, unfortunately it sucks for the fans but I can’t see it changing anytime soon.