The problem with the WJC in Toronto is a bunch of things. There are a lot of competing things, getting to the games if you live in the suburbs is going to cost you a fortune (tickets, but mostly dinner downtown and parking) or significant time.
Toronto probably isn't a good venue for it unless they make use of the Ricoh center for some of the games instead of putting it at the ACC and charging ACC prices. As stated, I got great cheap seats on Stub-hub yesterday for Slovakia vs USA, but regardless of ticket prices, the whole experience cost a decent amount for a junior hockey game for two teams I don't have emotional involvement with. If the stadium had realistic prices for their concessions and parking was reasonable I'd blame the fans more, but to realistically take a family of 4 downtown for any of the preliminary games is going to cost you probably a 100 to 150 in tickets, probably another 100 or more in concessions (maybe more if you actually go out for dinner but just get pop and beers at the game) and another 20 in parking. The issue is, they price the event like its a marquee event and put Leafs/Raptors prices when you are in the arena (because they won't change in-stadium pricing because it will alienate season ticket holders).
In comparison, I've been to Knights games in London when I was there for university. What would cost me 25 at the ACC probably costs me 10 at the JLC (now Budweiser Gardens). I would love to see the WJC split between London and Windsor, it would be an amazing experience. But, I'd say a lot of the flaws with the WJC in Toronto lies in the marketing as people feel they are generally being ripped off everytime they enter the ACC.