Canadian Finn
Oskee Wee Wee
I went to the 4 games in Montreal over the last 2 days. I paid 6$ for every ticket (plus US dollar conversion, fees , taxes,etc). It ended up costing me 11$ per game. My tickets were all in the 2nd deck. When I tried to get to my seat, I was told that the section was closed and they gave me a better seat every time.
That was totally worth it.
it's the high prices stopping folks in montreal from going....
maybe the use of the internet hasn't quite reached le belle province, but if you can't figure out how to buy a ticket outside of TM, then not affording a junior game is the least of your worries.
another reason was said earlier in this thread....from a montreal local...
"we don't even have a true national team playing" ... (paraphrased).