Phoenix LXII: Abandon Hope all Ye Who Enter Here

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Registered User
Oct 13, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ.
GJ never intended to hang around! He and GB knew perfectly well that the lockout would be long and arduous, the COG sales tax prop rejected and new COG Councilors and mayor against the proposed AMF! NOw the BOG and GB need to cut bait on this situation and weave the demise of the franchise into the current CBA. GB will deep six the Yotes and contract the league or move them this spring! GJ, new VP position with the league for being such a good straw buyer! Greatest deceit and misconception ever seen! We will never know the identity of the investors outside of the preppy group (IEH)! THey were bit $2.98 players anyway! To the fans it is sad to to the taxpayers of Glendale this is huge, finally you will be able to move forward without the dead weight of the new projected AMF dragging you down.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
...the BOG and GB need to cut bait on this situation and weave the demise of the franchise into the current CBA.

... Im fully expecting them to do that, waiting for the shoe to drop sometime in the new year. Hiding behind the cloak of the CBA. A blind, feint; misdirecting attention away from their own incompetence in facilitating a local sale while excusing themselves for extorting $50M from a brainwashed, desperate & stunned city of less than 300,000.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ.
... Im fully expecting them to do that, waiting for the shoe to drop sometime in the new year. Hiding behind the cloak of the CBA. A blind, feint; misdirecting attention away from their own incompetence in facilitating a local sale while excusing themselves for extorting $50M from a brainwashed, desperate & stunned city of less than 300,000.

GB has a wonderful opportunity staring him right in the face! Put the contraction clause in now, to allow it to simmer like a good Jambalaya! Come put up or shut up time the contraction idea will be well barbecued and baked ready for worldwide consumption. the NHLPA will readily accept the loss of 23 jobs knowing those players will end up somewhere in the supplemental draft. THe NHLers that wandered over the pond to play this year will remain on there in blissful ignorance. The NHL wil soldier on without the biggest money loser of all dangling around their neck!


Unfamiliar Moderator
Jan 30, 2009
South of Heaven
An interesting story out of California. Most here will probably see it as nothing, while I see some rather glaring similarities (coincidences aside - Michael Reinsdorf) such as hockey, city finances, leases, etc.

Thunder owner denies rumors

Team renegotiating arena deal but has no plans to move
By Scott Linesburgh
Record Staff Writer
October 14, 2012 12:00 AM

STOCKTON - Thunder owner Brad Rowbotham heard the rumors, and he wants to ensure local fans he intends to keep the team in Stockton.

Rumors had spread rapidly over social media Saturday that the Thunder might be leaving Stockton because the franchise is in talks with city officials regarding its lease at Stockton Arena. Rowbotham said he had enough concern to post a message on the team's Facebook page, assuring fans there are no plans to move the Thunder.


"I have no idea where the rumors started. I will say that I intend to stay here," Rowbotham said on Saturday. "I thought it was important for the fans to know that (my wife) Dawn and I want this to work out. We don't want this to turn into a big thing. I wanted to put it to rest and let people enjoy the season."

Stockton declared bankruptcy June 26. The Thunder signed a 10-year lease with the city in 2005, with two five-year options belonging to the franchise. Rowbotham confirmed he has spoken with city officials regarding the arena contract but declined to discuss specifics.

"I'll only say that a lot of people who have deals with the city are in discussions because of the financial crisis," he said.



Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
Most here will probably see it as nothing, while I see some rather glaring similarities (coincidences aside - Michael Reinsdorf) such as hockey, city finances, leases, etc.

... some interesting coincidences and parallels, however, Im inclined to take Rowbotham at his word, unlike Gary Bettman, Man of Few Words and even less action Greg Jamison.

as for the Haggis, like Jambalya feasts by the time its edible yer Loaded so why wreck the buzz with food?... gotta go now. Season Premier of Walking Dead. Yippeee....
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Staying classy
Jun 10, 2009
... Im fully expecting them to do that, waiting for the shoe to drop sometime in the new year. Hiding behind the cloak of the CBA. A blind, feint; misdirecting attention away from their own incompetence in facilitating a local sale while excusing themselves for extorting $50M from a brainwashed, desperate & stunned city of less than 300,000.

Don't forget an incompetent judge who's horriable ruling led to the events that took place after the bankruptcy hearing as well.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2011
Scottsdale, AZ.
The Stockton BK or the greek debacle are all precursors for the potential that exists in Glendale! I have argued all along, what good is an AMF if the party providing the funds is unable to perform? Of course this is not in GJ orbit as he has never intended to buy the franchise, so why worry about the future of Glendale!


Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
Robocall guy? That can't be what Legend was talking about. No one would actually cite that as a legitimate source, right? It's the same imbecile who accused Goldwater of "nefarious" activities because he didn't understand how 501/NPO entities are regulated. For the record, I didn't have a closed mind about that site. I reviewed it objectively. It was readily apparent that the author was some fringe lunatic, completely ignorant on the subject matter he attempted to write about. There is nothing credible on the site. It's one deranged individual spouting baseless, asinine conspiracy theories. Go figure, all of the subjects of his crackpot theories are critical of the Coyotes deal. I'm sure that's just a coincidence. :sarcasm:

I suppose the Glendale Star is now part of that lunatic fringe?? :sarcasm:


Hardly Deactivated
Aug 30, 2009
Buzzing BoH
CF.... lets be clear that it's your opinion that Clark's material is "anti-Latino". Which is perfectly fine with me. Everyone is entitled to one. I just see it differently.

In fact, I just read over the brochure off her website and while I can agree it comes across as a bit suggestive, it's nothing close to what you're insinuating. But again.... that's my opinion.

My use of term "nefarious" was a bit strong as it refers to something sinister. "Questionable" might be a better term to use. There are connections between Phoenix Monarch Group (PMG), Sam Chivara who's running to replace Joyce Clark, and CM Norma Alvarez (who by chance is chairing Chivara's campaign.) I'm not going to bring up the source where that comes from since you already have exhibited a closed mind to anything from that site.

The fact still remains that PMG was, and still is unqualified to properly manage an arena like

Yes, let's be perfectly clear. Let's be so clear that we use the actual language from Clark's literature - but rotate the racial slur:

Councilwoman Norma Alvarez has endorsed and is solely supporting Jew candidates for mayor and council.
Is there a hidden agenda to get a Jew majority on Glendale City Council?

I changed one word. Let's change it again to be even more clear:

Councilwoman Norma Alvarez has endorsed and is solely supporting Negro candidates for mayor and council.
Is there a hidden agenda to get a Negro majority on Glendale City Council?

Do you see what you're attempting to defend yet?

What I see you are resorting to playing context games to validate your point. I did point out the statement in the brochure could be suggestive. I quoted my post above as evidence.

A bit suggestive?

Could it be that instead of adopting goals that are good for all of Glendale residents, Jews benefit just one group within Glendale?

It's nothing close, huh?

Again.... more contextual games to validate an argument. You going to keep going or are we just going to agree to disagree on our interpretations of a three line paragraph in a campaign brochure?

You certainly do.

So, you over embellished the nefariousness of these minorities, eh? You've downgraded them from nefarious to questionable as if they are entries on an NFL injury report. That's comforting.

I really don't care who it comforts. In this case I used too strong a term in making an opinion, and corrected myself. I didn't play context games.... didn't tweak actual statements around to prove anything.

You're not going to bring up the source for this accusation because I exhibited a closed mind to the site? You lost me there. I have no idea what site you're referring to. I don't recall Phoenix Monarch Group or their site; but I do endeavor to be open minded and objective on all matters.

Your subsequent posts proved my point.... in spades. :)

As you can also see above the Glendale Star has now picked up on some of what Mr. Fallar was referring to in one of his earlier blogs.

Yeah.... I suppose they're out of their minds too. Bloody lunatic conspiracy I tell ya!!! :sarcasm:


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
I suppose the Glendale Star is now part of that lunatic fringe?? :sarcasm:

.... Yowza Legend, this is getting seedier & more hardboiled pulp by the week. Whistleblower with a lengthy rap sheet eating Top Ramen Noodles for dinner because powerful Hispanic interests are sabotaging his employment opportunities, watching his wife cry herself to sleep every night. Accusations of Fraud levelled against Clarks competitor over the staging & accounting of an event; Clark accused of being a conspiracy theorist & racist. The Hispanic backed Monarch Group looking to land the Arena Mgmnt Contract for Glendale Arena. Better call in Jake Gittes to investigate.
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Former CDC Mod
Sep 23, 2008
Gothenburg Sweden
Don't mean to be a stick in the mud but it's difficult to understand what's been going on lately if everyone is speaking in metaphor. It's been a dozen pages or so since I last read, what is this Hispanic thing?


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
Don't mean to be a stick in the mud but it's difficult to understand what's been going on lately if everyone is speaking in metaphor. It's been a dozen pages or so since I last read, what is this Hispanic thing?

Joyce Clark, one of Glendales main proponents of the Jamison deal in running for re-election put both feet her in mouth in suggesting there was a conspiracy by Hispanic interests, aided by another Council member & abetted by her opponent in the contest for her seat to see the Monarch Group ( a company with absolutely no facility management experience) procure the contract to manage Glendale Arena, winning a Hispanic majority on Council to insure the Jamison deal is defeated.


Registered User
Oct 14, 2012
Wow! Just when you think it can't possibly get any more weird...
a convicted felon enters the scene with close ties to Ms. Clark...

I'm guessin' on election day in Glendale the local Hispanic choir will be serenading Joyce....

na na na na na na....hey hey hey....goodbye....


Registered User
Dec 10, 2010
As you can also see above the Glendale Star has now picked up on some of what Mr. Fallar was referring to in one of his earlier blogs.


Is Mr. Fallar from Glendale or is he one of the "carpetbaggers" Frate was so eloquently describing?:help:


Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
Is Mr. Fallar from Glendale or is he one of the "carpetbaggers" Frate was so eloquently describing?:help:

George Fallar has a blog called Nebulous Verbosity. He supports the efforts of Glendale (GlendaleFirst) and I believe is a resident of Phoenix.


Registered User
Oct 14, 2012
Apparently George F. doesn't even reside in Glendale....but he seems concerned for their well being.
Veeery interesting.....


Tortious Beadicus
Nov 27, 2009
Bay Area, CA
I suppose the Glendale Star is now part of that lunatic fringe?? :sarcasm:

No. They don't seem to be part of it at all. Perhaps we should review the differences?

The newspaper article presents information objectively and professionally. In reading the article, it turns out that Chavira was accused of misappropriating funds but that accusation was made by a convicted felon and it was false. The organization in the article, NAHF, indicates there was no wrongdoing. That seems to be the bottom line right there. There is no lunatic conspiracy in the newspaper article. It's a pretty straight forward report about a felon making an erroneous accusation about someone. I did laugh at this quote though: "I guess if I was Rodney Castro PhD, it might make a difference" Well, yeah, Rodney. The felony thing is usually a pretty good indication of character and whatnot.

Meanwhile, the blog presented Chariva as guilty and then attempted to work backwards using deranged versions of events to support the desired conclusion. The blogger invents nefarious activity where it turns out there was none. The writing style is pretty hapless but as far as I can tell, the blogger believes this is all part of a conspiracy for this Phoenix Monarch Group to get a management contract for Arena. Except, the PMG would not qualify as a sole source provider. The City Council could not just award a city contract to PMG (not even a Latino majority with a hidden agenda could pull that off...) The competitive bid process would be required by code. The blog completely whiffs on even that most elementary aspect of government procurement and contracting law. The blog creates this crackpot theory but the end game of the conspiracy isn't even possible. That pretty much makes the author a blithering idiot, wouldn't you say? :nod:

What I see you are resorting to playing context games

Not really. I demonstrated the racist nature of Clark's literature. But I'll defer to you, if you'd prefer to continue denying it, I'm cool with that. Not my city, not my representative, not my problem.


Formally a McRib
Apr 4, 2008
So, uh... Anything happen yet?

It's been almost two weeks since I last posted in this thread. Usually things happen in 2 week increments.


Unfamiliar Moderator
Jan 30, 2009
South of Heaven
So, uh... Anything happen yet?

It's been almost two weeks since I last posted in this thread. Usually things happen in 2 week increments.

If by "things happen in 2 week increments" you mean that completely arbitrary two week time frames are replaced by brand new, equally meaningless two week time frames, than I am inclined to agree.

Well, tomorrow is Glendale's executive session meeting so there should be some "happenings" I'm sure... with a reload of fortnight timelines again.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2007
as for the Haggis, like Jambalya feasts by the time its edible yer Loaded so why wreck the buzz with food?... gotta go now. Season Premier of Walking Dead. Yippeee....

I came here for poetry, you didn't disappoint :handclap:

Is Mr. Fallar from Glendale or is he one of the "carpetbaggers" Frate was so eloquently describing?:help:

IIRC, he's from Cave Creek so the definition fits him, but you can bet the house he's not the type of carpetbagger that Frate had in mind.


Registered User
May 29, 2010
No. They don't seem to be part of it at all. Perhaps we should review the differences?

The newspaper article presents information objectively and professionally. In reading the article, it turns out that Chavira was accused of misappropriating funds but that accusation was made by a convicted felon and it was false. The organization in the article, NAHF, indicates there was no wrongdoing. That seems to be the bottom line right there. There is no lunatic conspiracy in the newspaper article. It's a pretty straight forward report about a felon making an erroneous accusation about someone. I did laugh at this quote though: "I guess if I was Rodney Castro PhD, it might make a difference" Well, yeah, Rodney. The felony thing is usually a pretty good indication of character and whatnot.

Meanwhile, the blog presented Chariva as guilty and then attempted to work backwards using deranged versions of events to support the desired conclusion. The blogger invents nefarious activity where it turns out there was none. The writing style is pretty hapless but as far as I can tell, the blogger believes this is all part of a conspiracy for this Phoenix Monarch Group to get a management contract for Arena. Except, the PMG would not qualify as a sole source provider. The City Council could not just award a city contract to PMG (not even a Latino majority with a hidden agenda could pull that off...) The competitive bid process would be required by code. The blog completely whiffs on even that most elementary aspect of government procurement and contracting law. The blog creates this crackpot theory but the end game of the conspiracy isn't even possible. That pretty much makes the author a blithering idiot, wouldn't you say? :nod:

Not really. I demonstrated the racist nature of Clark's literature. But I'll defer to you, if you'd prefer to continue denying it, I'm cool with that. Not my city, not my representative, not my problem.

I suspect that if PMG was part of Jamison's investment group, or a potential owner, the pro-Coyotes blogger and others would be falling all over themselves to praise them. The point is that this issue is all about the Coyotes for some. Any efforts to retain them in Glendale are seen as appropriate and justifiable by some - the end justifies the means.


Registered User
Mar 20, 2012
Guelph, ON
What I see you are resorting to playing context games to validate your point. I did point out the statement in the brochure could be suggestive. I quoted my post above as evidence.

Again.... more contextual games to validate an argument. You going to keep going or are we just going to agree to disagree on our interpretations of a three line paragraph in a campaign brochure?

I really don't care who it comforts. In this case I used too strong a term in making an opinion, and corrected myself. I didn't play context games.... didn't tweak actual statements around to prove anything.

Your subsequent posts proved my point.... in spades. :)

As you can also see above the Glendale Star has now picked up on some of what Mr. Fallar was referring to in one of his earlier blogs.

Yeah.... I suppose they're out of their minds too. Bloody lunatic conspiracy I tell ya!!! :sarcasm:

you cannot win this. the only thing "suggestive" in her statements is the blatant racism. CF was attempting to educate you, but that seems to have failed, with you apologetically wanting to dismiss his explanation as "contextual games". it's unfortunate that you still don't seem to understand the real message in her words, despite the efforts made here by others.
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