PC vs Console? Which game platform better?

PC vs Console? Which game platform better?

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God King Fudge

Championship Swag
Oct 13, 2017
All preference. Console is king for ease of use. No questions about putting anything together, what do you need to run this, etc. Out of the box, hook it up and go.

I was pretty much a console player exclusively until a couple of years ago. I still own all the current consoles so I can play exclusives if I want, but I'm pretty much a PC guy now. The performance just can't be matched on consoles.

For me, playing a game capped at 30 FPS that probably dips below that on consoles and going to PC on that same game and getting 60FPS with no dips and better graphics was the sealer for me. It's tough to go back.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2015


2018-19 Cup Champs!
Mar 22, 2012
I have a PC and a PS4. If a game releases for both platforms I pretty much always get it for PC. Mods, graphics/framerate improvements, custom key bindings, and a huge selection of indy titles is what keeps me with my PC more often. The only exception is sports games. I buy my spirts games on a console because the player base is much larger so it’s mhch easier to find games.

Gardner McKay

RIP, Jimmy.
Jun 27, 2007
PC vs Console? Which game platform better?

There's really no right answer to this.

NyQuil said it best. There isn't a right answer. It really comes down to the person. I have a Ps4 Pro and a Switch. I love both of them. I also have a gaming laptop with a controller. I use that laptop though for modding old games and such. For new releases, I play them exclusively on the PS4/Switch. That is just my preference.


Dec 14, 2011
PC is a lot more expensive if you want to get the best gaming experience. And for someone who knows nothing about how PCs work and run, consoles are my best bet


The Annihilator
Jan 14, 2003
PC gaming is better but also a lot more costly. For me to move up to 4K cost about $3000 for the TV and video card.

also consoles have exclusive games and iconic titles/series of their own.


It's a wolf v2.0
Jul 29, 2003
Visit site

Seriously though I'm not going to say 'there's no right answer', because I think PC legitimately has more going on for it to make it 'better'. Rather being overall better doesn't mean best for all situations, and there's nothing wrong with playing on another platform. In the case of console the cheaper up front cost and plug and play nature is just what many people need.

Seems to be a delicate topic though because much of the 'gaming' community (with the small one here being an exception) has this complex about always having what they're playing be part of the bestest.

No Fun Shogun

May 1, 2011
I've basically decided that I'm not getting a new laptop and sticking to console and tablet gaming for the forseeable future. I'm dumb, I just want idiot proof games where I don't need to worry about system specs, and I prefer just playing on the couch with a controller leaning back versus with a mouse and keyboard hunched over.

Honestly the only form of gaming that I prefer on PC is strategy and city building games.
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Registered User
Nov 17, 2017
I chose PC because that's how I like to game, though in reality both have their pros and cons.

Pros for PC
- Gaming PC's in general are much more powerful than consoles in graphics, performance, etc.
- Hardware upgrade possibilities.
- Game modding options.
- Diverse gaming options and controller flexibility. For example RTS or strategy games are unplayable on consoles because they're best played with mouse + keyboard, where as any console game is playable on PC since you can also use gamepads.
- If you're using a gaming laptop, you have portability.
- More indie games.

Pros for Consoles
- Cheaper.
- More mainstream popularity and more gamers, meaning it will likely get priority when big games are being developed.
- Straight forward in terms of hardware, which means that all games work equal on all machines and you don't have to worry about what GPU you have or if there's enough memory.
- Less likely for cheating to occur in online games.

Pay Carl

punished “venom” krejci
Jun 23, 2011
I prefer console. Some of my favorite games were PC games like Diablo and Starcraft but I think console is a better social experience. Being able to group up with a big group of friends and switch between games all in the same party for hours is fun

I also just prefer consoles because I can just sit back on my couch and play on a big TV, not have to sit at a desk and play on a little screen


The Annihilator
Jan 14, 2003
I've basically decided that I'm not getting a new laptop and sticking to console and tablet gaming for the forseeable future. I'm dumb, I just want idiot proof games where I don't need to worry about system specs, and I prefer just playing on the couch with a controller leaning back versus with a mouse and keyboard hunched over.

Honestly the only form of gaming that I prefer on PC is strategy and city building games.

have a look at gaming lapboards


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Console by a country mile for me.

PC pretty much only wins out in terms of technological prowess/hardware performance, social connectivity, endless expansion, and endlessly addictive game design, and personally, games focusing more on those elements precisely represent everything I despise and don't respect about videogames and are why I lost interest in the medium in the first place. I've never played a game that was designed specifically for the hardcore fully loaded PC gaming experience that didn't inherently annoy me. Combine that with the whole PC master race thing that I recently learned about and it just all feels like such soulless, maximalist, more-is-more, manipulate-you-to-waste-your-life bull-**** to me. If all that Fortnite, Overwatch, Apex Legends-like stuff disappeared off the face of the earth, sure it'd be a shame that others would miss out on what they like I guess, but purely on a selfish level, I'd feel pretty cleansed and satisfied, personally.

What I love most about videogames is charm, artistry, restraint, doing more with less, finite production life-cycles, hand-crafted aesthetic, and mechanical design that involves complexity arising from minimalistic simplicity (usually but not always single-player experiences). Most of that is coming from consoles (unless you count the indie scene as PC simply because they usually start there).

That said, I wish we lived in a hypothetical universe where you just bought a standard PC every five years and all games were released on that platform according to those average specs. I'm so picky about the games that I like that I can't justify buying several consoles just to play the one or two console exclusives that actually seem really worthwhile on each of them, and I hate that they're not backwards compatible and we're stuck in this culture where old games become obsolete/hard to play/only remastered as products that always contain some bloat, and ultimately get lost in time. I guess emulation sort of satisfies this desire, but it's not ideal. I would be willing to spend SO much more money on videogames if things were structured this way, even if really old games remained at their maximum full price rather than getting marked down over time.
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Leafs at Knight

Mar 4, 2011
London, Ontario
They're both good for different reasons but ultimately it's hard playing the same game at capped 30fps, with no fov sliders, and other features on console rather than uncapped fps, fov sliders, every setting customizable, ability to mod, having really good sales, etc., on PC. Like going from destiny 2 on ps4 to pc was like playing an entirely new game. Consoles are good for exclusives though, and the PS4 has been amazing this gen. The switch also has good exclusives, and has the ability to play anywhere. The Xbox has had a really bad gen, other than backwards compatibility and a nice controller, I think it's a bad investment.

It's hard not to say pc gaming is the best because imo it is for sure. Although some downsides which have already been said like it being more expensive, and having the upgrade parts every few years is a turn off for some. You can play pretty much every game on PC with a controller these days, so the excuse of being able to sit on a couch rather than an office chair doesn't work anymore. Lots of people play pc games on their couch.

Frankie Spankie

Registered User
Feb 22, 2009
Dorchester, MA
I used to be split on both until probably mid-way through the PS3's life cycle before going all PC. I didn't really like the direction consoles were going. Online subscriptions feel like a scam and PC is just so easy. I don't even have to put on pants to get a new game within an hour and start playing it. No leaving the house, no ordering online and waiting for it to come in, you just buy it online and download it. I remember trying to download games on PS3 and the servers were awful and took all day to download a game that wasn't even that big. Now you have to install games on your hard drive for current gen consoles? No thanks. With Steam refunds, you don't even need to worry about a game not working on your PC. Just buy it, if it doesn't run well, refund it for your money back.

Other than the obvious ones of graphics and frame rate on PC >>>>>>>> console as well as options and mods, another huge reason why I went all PC is the controls. Aiming with an analog stick is just bad. I'm surprised people even accept it as an option but there are lots of people who really like it which is even more mind blowing to me. Plus, on PC, you can have any control combination you want. There are just some games that are better with a KB/M (shooters) while others are better with a controller (platformers) while others are better with a steering wheel (racing) and you can experiment to see what works best for you. I like to play spectacle fighters like Bayonetta or even something like Shadow of Mordor more on a KB/M because of the great camera controls. You may not like it and want to use the controller but that's what's great about PC, you pick the option that works best for you, you're not forced into one option.
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Commander Clueless

Apathy of the Leaf
Sep 10, 2008
I far and away like PC best. I love keyboard and mouse, the huge library, and the versatility. Also a bit of a tech nerd. I find the higher refresh rates and FOV to be very beneficial, as some console games at 30 with a low FOV can trigger motion sickness for me.

The downside is of course the price and the extra complications.

I also enjoy a good console. I don't own any at the moment, but the appeal is there.
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Registered User
Sep 17, 2009
Consoles for me.

There’s no right answer for this question though.It all comes down to what you want to play, how much you wanna spend, how serious or casual of a gamer you are, etc.
Sep 19, 2008
Labels are stupid.

Both have their purposes. For instance I can't play a FPS on a console because the joysticks suck. But I can play a sports game on a console. Also, for a console you can just put the disc in and play. Depending on your computer, you may have to retool a system just to play a modern game.

I have both. Although admittedly my console has been gettin some dust on it recently. I have been playing a bit more MLB The Show though.


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