Not Fenway obviously but I share his distaste for the "suite wall" concept, taking brutalist architecture & interior design / layout to all new depths.... Totally "in your face", hierarchical in that it dramatically delineates between corporate & public... lines of demarcation about as gracefully integrated as a painting by Breugel the Elder... about as subtle as a Louisville Slugger to the mandible. It wrecks, ruins all sense of "community" within the bowl's, the arena. If your a Regular Joe sitting across from it, you can actually feel it, a sort of "ominous presence", like gazing upon one of the sides of the Borg's Cube, foreboding, as cold & distant as the far reaches of space. It destroys all sense of community & camaraderie. As you look across at "The Wall" all you hear is a deafening silence, all you see are the stony faced stares of passionless, unemotional & unblinking Replicants who look back & down upon real fans as you might look at Chimpanzee's in a Zoo or homeless animals at the SPCA, as Marie Antoinette looked upon the common folk of France. Corporate suites are great, wonderful, fine, gotta have & lots of em'... provided there seamlessly integrated into the overall configuration of the facility. But as a "wall"? No. Just.... no.