I am not quite sure how you gathered that staying up late or getting up early to watch international hockey is new for me, it is not. I have been doing that for world juniors and olympics for ages now,i was up before the crows called to watch the sochi hockey, maybe something was lost in
translation here?.
That was my misunderstanding. Probably culture difference. I dont remember I talked about timing to anybody. I just always accept it as fact. So when Cherry and you mentioned it, I was like "thats normal, whats their problem?". I got the context now.
What I am saying is that I won't be watching at abnormal hours for olympic hockey without the best players because it is essentially meaningless for me now and most Canadians I have talked to seem to feel the same way, if they replay the Canadian games during prime time I may be induced to watch i suppose, it is hockey after all and eventhough it will now be a heavily watered down tournament that signifies absolutely nothing there will still be a team representing us.
There was a time before our best players could play that I would watch no matter what time because we could not send our best players and I wanted to support them and hope for the big upset, our miracle on ice so to speak. But the genie is out of the bottle now, we have had(everyone has) all our best now and I and many Canadians just cannot go back to 2nd rate olympic hockey in this day and age, it just isn't the same. It's now a bogus tourney that doesnt mean anything more then winning the spengler cup does, it really doesn't. Without nhl player involvement that is what it has been reduced to for most Canadians.
In my opinion its the second rate tourney just from perspective of quality. Otherwise its the most important tourney in the world and spirit will be always there. Thats why all the players want to be part of it.
That is where we probably disagree. I suspect NHL not to allow palyers to go there because it would just confirm above mentioned. And even if OG is not and should not be NHL competitor, I somehow feel that NHL perceive it in that way, especially with World cup comming. However in my point of view OG is not problem, problem is NHL attitude towards World Cup. You cant make int. tourney when you dont care about rest of the fans. He said "I believe it is the best int tourney".According to what evidence? Did he ever asked czech fans what they want?It was very cool tourney, but, sorry to say that, it was also kind of weird.
I do understand your frustration with the NHL over this matter and I agree with a lot of it but it's a
money thing, just like the "world championships" are a money thing and where it is catered to European fans ,
I just don't and have never seen any backlash from european fans that it is 99.5 % always in Europe, they seem to be o.k with that.
It's a European tradition and party and they are just fine keeping it that way.
Speaking abut money thing I think we all know it, except it is more survival and legacy thing in Europe. That is the reason imo why european fans interpret in way "we earn a lot and we dont want to earn less for three weeks" But,yeah, I understand, still I would assume that we we all would appreciate tourney that at least pretend its not that much about money,even if it always is...
The NHL is doing what they think is best for their business and market in this matter, they could very well be wrong but they are following the same mental
process that the IIHF does concerning the so called world championships, i don't see any unease or protest from European fans about it.Their attitude is, "hey, you didnt bid on it so don't complain to us about what times the games are on". They have always been rather smug about it!!
O.K, whatever I guess.
I dont get it here. In what way?I doubt you can make any adjustment to WHC, except making it every two years ( I would miss it) or in September. Other leagues are too short. And hey, we dont think WHC is the most important tourney deciding who is best, I personally just like it
Hey, I would very much prefer the best pros stay playing in the olympics, it has brought a lot of joy to me as a Canadian fan. But i just do not see how what European fans want should play any part in their decision whether to play or not, they are such a
tiny sliver of the NHL market, miniscule.And N.A fans are just a
tiny sliver of the WHC market and it shows and decisions are made accordingly. Let's be honest, though you may be one of the precious few that actually do stay up at ungodly hours to watch the NHL games you are a fairly rare beast, there
just are very few European fans doing that, they follow their domestic leagues mostly.
You are right in everything here except I watch NHL live only on saturday in reasonable times. That differences are basically the reason for me we should have one connecting tourney. But everybody must commit something to it. There is no way how NHL can benefits from OG imo, except they would get direct income from it, but then every league would want part of it.
You can't expect it to be any different here.
Bottom line, it appears that the NHL is not going to the 2018 winter games and I and many Canadians won't be getting up at 3 a.m to watch Cory Emmerton and his ilk play for a gold medal that does not mean very much in our view.
I really believe you can understand this. Just because it would still be highly valued in Europe doesn't mean it will or even should be to us
I understand, what I dont understand much is NHL explanation