When white and black people commit a given crime at the same rate, black people are way more likely to be arrested and prosecuted for said crime. This is a fact.There are racists in this country. There are racists in EVERY country. I firmly believe this country is less racist than it has ever been and continues to try to make progress to make it a better place. Maybe that's blind optimism, but I don't think today's youth, especially, gives a flying crap what color anyone is. I certainly don't.
And, I'm sorry, but I agree that police officers aren't waking up planning to kill anyone, regardless of color, on any day they are going to work. It's the last thing they want to do. Do people make bad decisions under pressure? Certainly. People are far from perfect and some of those decisions will cost dearly. It will never be as good as it should be.
The first law enforcement unit ever in the United States was established to catch slaves. The first official police department was established to bully striking immigrant workers. It has always existed for violence against oppressed people, period.
The discussion about whether individual officers are bad is tiresome and violently misses the point. We're talking about an institutional problem that has existed for 300 years and has seeped into the culture and training.
It's a different world and we need to reimagine how we police our society. This is an ice cold take and we'd get somewhere if we didn't deflect at the first hurdle.