The Olympics is an event meant for the entire world. Hence it makes sense that some games take place also in Asia while the next edition will take place in Europe and the one after that very likely in North America.
I don't know what to tell you. Every federation is allowed to apply for the games and this includes Canada. Indeed, the one time Canada actually applied to host the tournament, they were awarded it. However, the IIHF can't force Canada to host a tournament that they don't have an interest in hosting so it is silly to victimize yourself.
We've all been through the thing with hosting the WHC before and you know damn well why they rarely apply for it, regardless of if they do or they don't the fact is it is still hosted and run by Europe every year, that's a fact, it's also a fact that European fans don't care if it is held and run every year by them, they have no moral objection to it so why cry about tournaments always run by N.A? the North american teams come over every year and don't complain, they roll with it all and make the best of it, no reason European fans shouldnt do the same with a world cup if they can do it for the WHC, I don't know what else to say...........stop bitching, you have zero reason if we don't concerning the WHC.
Having said that I actually do think we all have a reason to bitch on how the NHL approaches international competitions, even ones they do control, they could do a lot better at that and they need to take a different attitude towards it going forward, and one way of doing that would be having it exclusively in Europe on a regular basis. But I wish european fans would stop being dishonest about the WHC, it's their party and always has been, that's not going to change likely ever. Please don't cry "so hard done by' You're not. you're actually a little bit spoiled when it comes to international competitions, you know you have a senior level high quality tournament each and every year to look forward to.
It's also considered a 100% legitimate tournament by European fans despite the fact it has only been held outside of Europe once in like 70 years or so, can you imagine any other sports World championship being considered legitimate if it was held only in one place for it's entire history? yet it why the moral objection to a few tournaments held and run by N.A?.
sorry, but I'm not falling for that, it's amazing you expect anyone here to buy these tired arguments.
Of course theoretically the WHC is open for bidding to the whole world, but there are going to be reasons why it never is for almost every country in the world outside of Europe, for Canada there is the NHL playoffs and no real fan history on a big scale with the tournament and for the rest of the world it's because they don't give 2 shits about hockey.
I know European fans are A. O.K with that, they aren't losing any sleep over it, they love it and who can blame them? they've got a built in monopoly on that tournament, not bad!!
As for the olympics being for the whole world, well sure...........but hockey doesn't seem to be for the whole world, it's only popular in a handful of countries, cater to them not the rest of the world that doesn't care. It only makes sense since they are your only market basically.
I hope the NHL is done with the olympics for good and would move on with real partnership with the IIHF in getting a great World cup going, it's for the best.